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"No one has ever denied me information. I have ladies,religiously upright just waiting for my proposal,kids flaunt themselves around me. Old and young would gladly give responses to my questions. I wonder who she thinks she or her ten years old son are! I've never been so humiliated!" Hitting his hand for the uptenth time on the steering wheel of his 2018 meltallic blue convertible,Ahmed continues with his thought and on the verge of losing his cool. He was driving at a high speed if not for the red stop traffic light sign,he'd have continued that way.

Once the traffic light turned green,he swerved to the right and drove down Nelson street  to his  company- Ahmed's Trust.

Having parked his car,he alighted and took several deep breadth. In the technological world,he's known as Ahmed,the cool and collected and he wasn't ready to let just one niqobite and her 10yrs old child make him lose that. Taking his long strides down to the entrance,a bell man got the door for him "Good morning sir" "Good morning Mr Adam. How're you today and your family?"

"We're very fine,thank you sir and you sir?"  "Alhamdulillahi"

"Have a nice d..."  Mr. Adam almost said.

He pushed open the revolving door,all eyes on him. Once everyone realized it was the boss,they all got busy at once with "good morning sir" being thrown here and there.

"Mr AbdulAzeez, see me in my office right now!"

"OK sir,I shall be there"

He strode into his office. He dropped his suit on a suit hanger close to the rest room. Got out a bottle of chilled water from his refrigerator which he gulped down in seconds. Flipped open the blinds and took a peep around the city and its beautiful environment. He sat on his big swivel chair,flipped open the laptop on his table and stared obviously into nothing specific. He couldn't get the sight of the crying niqobi out of his sight. "What's even her name? Who dares hurt such a wonderful woman and have the guts to teach a 10yr old boy to grow so quickly into a man?" "The bastard would wish he wasn't born when I get my hands on him" he hit his hand so hard on his table yet again sending the desk lamp,pen holder,pen and some documents flying around the office.

" was there a hurricane Ahmedu in here sir?"

"AZ,cut the sir. I need a friend right now not an employee"

"You came with the boss man attitude bro" "so what's up" AZ asked while picking up the stuffs on the floor and took the only vacant seat left

"I need information on somebody who I believe is being hurt by one idiot"

" is this somebody a woman Buddy? "

" yes "

"Let me guess,ehmmmmmmmm! Yeah! It's the niqobi  right?' AZ asked wit a snap of the fingers

" what if she is,so?" With a smirk

" what's your own with the sisi? Wait! Did you eventually talk to her ni?"

"Not really talk but I conveyed her and her kids to school"


Ahmed went ahead to tell AZ everything that transpired in the car.

"You me....an  a 10yrs o....l....d boy shut you up?" AZ laughed so heartily that he had tears in his eyes.

Ahmad glared at him that he didn't have to be told to hush.

"Okay fine,so what's my own in all this?" Asked AZ

"I need your expertise to help dig out information no matter how little"

"Okay. Like her favourite color,best food,best friend,first kiss...." AZ went on ticking each off on his fingers.

"Plus do you have her phone number?"

" N..o or better still not yet"

"Get her phone number while I work on her personal like and dislikes- most memorable da...""

"I'm not joking my friend. I really need the info and by the way we're so done with this convo right now!" Ahmad cuts in

" Alright but could you answer just one question?" AZ pleaded with a known smirk.

"Go ahead"

". Has someone fallen in love with a niqobi? Doesn't she have a husband?"

"You said a question,not two!" Ahmad roared.

"Go do what I sent you Mr AbdulAzeez. I need the information latest by next weekend. Call in my secretary and please get the team on the site project ready for a meeting. Thank you for your time. You may take your leave"

AZ stood up knowing the convo is done. He hates it when Ahmed suddenly turns businesslike which he seldomly does. What's his business with this niqobi with 3kids? This woman better be good else she'll have me to contend with because I can't watch him go through another heart break. Ahmed!

AZ kept thinking while walking out

What would AZ find out? Are you ready for the showdown people?

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