Episode Twelve

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N'imah picked the phone in fright but upon hearing who the caller is felt calm. She put the phone on speaker
"Hey my love,how're you? I've missed you and my kids. How're they too?"
"Walilahilhamd Sobur,we're fine. To what do we owe this august call?"
Ni'mah noticed the scowl and anger pooling up on Ahmed's face and wonders what she's doing wrong.
" Ni'mah I know I hurt you and I wasn't a good husband and a good father to my children but since you're still single,I'd want you back Ni'mah. You were an asset I let slip away and now I'd do anything to get you back,please?"
"Really now Sobur"
Ahmad couldn't take it anymore. How dare she tolerate his endearment!
"Now cut the crap Mister. Ni'mah is mine and mine alone. Don't you dare call her your love or whatever. You'd your chance but you mis used it,so back off while you still have your life!"
Ni'mah felt so angry. Why'd he interfere? This is her battle to fight!
"And who're you if I may ask? How dare you interrupt my wife and I "
"Your ex wife you mean, moron!"
" you're the moron fighting for another man's wife! Ni'mah!"
"Sobur,please just hang up. I've an issue to sort ought!"
" can I call back later then love?"
"Talk to you soon,love!" Sobur made sure to emphasize the 'love' which only made Ahmed lose the last straw of control.
"Now what was that Ni'mah!?"
"I should ask you same "
"Really! You allowed him call you love,wife without putting him straight! So much for love!"
" did you allow me mr macho?! Didn't you just take charge and became so controlling?!"
"Oh so now I should fold my arms and watch one idiot snatch my woman away?! Smart!"
" He isn't an idiot but the father of my children and no one is snatching anybody away,get that straight! "

" Ummi,what's wrong?" Misty asked waking up
" Nothing love. Everything is fine. We were just talking"
Just then Ahmed parked right in front of Ni'mah's gate.
" Masturah love,please wake up your siblings"

Ni'mah alighted with the kids and turned to say something to Ahmed,but he zoomed off immediately and that just made her angrier.

"Abii, please I need your help. The kids are having their revision classes with Sa'ad"
"Ok ,what's it?"
"You know how I don't react when so angry,right?"
"With Ahmed I just go uttering every damn thing I feel. I can't just be quiet. He makes me so angry and I usually want to hurt him as much as he does me but then I regret it immediately. I don't understand what is happening to me"
" Alhamdulillahi. My baby is finally in love"
"In love,abi? I'm something else already. We'd a fight right now and how I wished I could just hit or bite him or maybe just hug him silly."
"What happened?" Ni'mah narrated all to her father
"Hmmm ayo Mi,that man loves you and is scared of losing you"
" losing me,to who? Sobur? Does he think I'm so daft? I deserve some credit! "
" all you had do was assure him of your love and not defend your wrong like you did dear"
"He should stop being insecure. I love him and can't bear to lose him. He should know this"
"Then tell him"
"What! Daddy but you know I can't do that now! When we're married I'll grant him my assurance everyday"
" just apologize already. A wise woman keeps her home and husband by her gentility and humility my dear. I miss your mom for those. She was an epitome of wisdom and never raise your voice at him"
" OK sir I'll try. Jazaakumullahu khairan sir"
Just as she hung up,Sobur's call came in

" hi lo..."
"Don't you dare love me Sobur. Let this be the last time you'd call this number. You'd your chance and you misused it. I've found someone else and I love him. Nothing and no one by Allah will keep me from him,get that ingrained!"
" but my kids?"
" your kids are fine and healthy. If you want to see them,I'll ask my husband's permission on how to arrange that. Other than that it's goodbye. Send text only when you need to communicate". With that she hung up.
She decided to yield her father's advice. She called Ahmed whose phone only rang to no avail. She was about re daialing for the fifth time,when a knock on her door interrupted her.
She opened the door,saw a pretty woman with a child of about 3years standing at her doorstep.
"As salaamu'alaykum, how may I help you?"
The woman started crying " I'm sorry for disturbing your peace ma. I'm Yasmin,Ahmed's wife and this is his son Yusuf"
She's more pretty than I thought,Ni'mah thought since she couldn't get a glimpse the last time she saw her.
" I'd want to beg you to please leave him alone to take care of his family. I love him so much and you're the one keeping him from us"
" you're Ahmed's ex wife and if this is his son,there's no way Ahmed won't be responsible to him. I know him so well. I'd leave him only if he doesn't want me. A man is entitled to more than one wife,don't you think"
"I can't share Ahmed with an old woman like you! He's mine and mine alone"
"He was yours but now he's mine and don't worry I'll take care of him to the pride of your eyes"
" How dare you! Aren't you ashamed of marrying a man you can birth?!"
"No. It's called love milady. Love cuts across race,age and all obstacles. You should be the one to be ashamed chasing after a man's wealth and not his heart. You came back since he's rich now,right? Quit being a gold digger! Ahmed deserves a real woman and that happens to be me!"
Yasmin made to slap her but Ni'mah was so quick(thanks to the defence classes she attended) she held her wrist so tight,squeezes it and turned her around " Don't ever lay your filthy hands on me or anyone close to heart ever again! Now get out!" Yasmin's left defeated
"Now let that liar come and defend himself yet again" she called his number again.

Meanwhile Ahmed went straight to Az house and told him all that transpired and was there when the calls came in.
"Ammy,pick your call"
"I don't want to talk to her. I want her to make her decision. Choose who to be with. I wouldn't want to becloud her judgement"
"Ni'mah is smarter than that Ammy. She would never go back to that abuser"
" it's matters of the heart AZ. Don't be too sure. She bore him three wonderful kids. I just wish I can have her"
" You'd have her"
"How AZ? How? I feel I'm losing already"
" Ammy! Wait o! Dude you wanna start crying for a chick. You! Ammy! See,I no get handkerchief o. Na to give you pail,make you cry full"
Just then Ahmed's phone rang yet again and he still refused to pick but AZ did for him
" As salaamu'alaykum abu tiflun"
"Abu tiflun bi ti bo Ni'mah"
"Na me now. See comman carry your wasted husband here o"
" I'll be there"

"Why did you do that? You make it look like I'm pathetic"
"You don't look like Ammy,you are ni!"
A knock announced Ni'mah's arrival
"AZ! If you don't mind,can I speak to this liar alone!?"
AZ looked as confused as Ahmed was but left anyways
"Who's a liar?"
"You Ahmed Ibrahim. The man who stole my heart and threw it to the dogs are the liar!"
" quit your drama and speak out. Which lie have I told?!"
" Well done! Fine! Why didn't you tell me you've a son with Yasmin until she shoved him in my face?!"
"A son? Yasmin?"
"Yes a son with your miss perkiness! She came to my house begging the old woman to leave her husband for her and her son!" "How could you keep such vital information when our nikkah is 4days to go?"
She sat down on the couch and cried her eyes out. Ahmed looked lost but did the only thing that came to him.
" Yasmin! I want the DNA done for my supposed son and if this is all a lie,god help you,you're a dead meat! "
" Ni'mah for Allah's sake,I need you to believe me. I never knew of any son. I'd have told you if I did,please?"
"Just  marry her, okay? I'm tired of everyone reminding  me of how older I am. Just maybe I'll get an older man to mar....."
" Don't you dare say that again!" Ahmed roared.
"I shouldn't say what exactly Ahmed! That I'm older than you? Or that I'm all saggy when you can have a beautiful young and calm lady at your beck! Is this what you want Ahmed?! An old hag!"
Ahmed clenched and unclenched his hands and only wished she was halal to him. The things he'd do to her right this minute to prove her wrong!
" Ni'mah,stand up and go home,please? I'm so weak right now and I wouldn't want to do what will earn us Allah's wrath and which we'd both regret eventually. Just go home and rest,please but bear in mind that I want you and only you" This just made her cry more
"AZ,please take Ni'mah home"
"But don't you stay close to each other?"
" I can't take her home. Just please "
"Fine. Ni'mah,let's go"
She could only nod and mumble Assaalamu'alaykum to which Ahmed responded closing his eyes.

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