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"Mr. Ahmed,I'm so sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier today. It was so rude and ummi taught me better than that but then ..."
"Hey Sa'ad it's fine sincerely. In your shoes I'd protect her too plus I understand since your words was a reminder. Though I was pained but it's fine now"
"We know everybody's name but uncle Ahmed what's your kunya?"
"Misty,I don't agree,I don't know your ummus name and my kunya is Abu du jannah"
"Ummi's name is Ni'mah b ...ut how can someone be Abdul jannah? Jannah is not Allah's name,Bro Sa'ad?"
"It isn't Abdul jannah Misty but Abu du jannah" Ahmed explained before Sa'ad got to it.
"Okay" Misty replied
Ahmed drove down in silence just like everyone was indulged in their thought
"This man seems nice and he looks familiar. Where do I know him from?" Sa'ad kept thinking
"I wished we can have a daddy like him. How beautiful it'd be to ride in such a car. Ummi shouldn't know" Sakeenah thought.
"I like brother Ahmed but ummi doesn't like him" Misty thought.
"This man will sure listen to me eventually. He can't just barge into our lives and take charge. What guts! Mtcheww". Ni'mah thought.
" Should I just propose to her and apologize,but what if she turns me down. She seems so feisty,but who says feisty isn't good? Bring it on Ni'mah" He checked her out through the rearview mirror and their eyes met,hers opened so wide and that just made him smirk and give a chuckle.
"Abu du jannah,what's funny?'
"Nothing Misty. I just saw what I liked"
As Ahmed was about taking the turn leading to the bus stop he picked them earlier,Sakeenah gave him their address to which Ni'mah could only glare and chew on her tongue since she couldn't understand why her kids were taking to this stranger so easily!
"Mummy,see! The house you like so much!"
"Yes dearie. I love the way that house is built and its colour. May Allah continue to bless its owner"
"Aameen" everyone chorused
"Mr. Ahmed,hope we're not taking you off track from your home?" Ni'mah snapped
Such a sharp tongue,Ahmad thought "No ma'am. From Sakeenah's description,my house isn't far from yours"
"Wait,did we just pass your house?" Sa'ad asked
"Yes,we drove past it. How did you know?"
"Now I know where I've been seeing you. No wonder you look familiar you live in that house that ummi likes,right?"
"Yes. By Allah's rahmah,it is mine and I'm happier now that I know you all and your mum like it" Ahmed said honestly.
Ni'mah could only stare into nothingness. Like seriously he owns my dream home,Hugh!
Their house in sight,Ni'mah got her kids prepared with their bags. Ahmed parked in front of the big gate and at the same time the adhan was called.
"Can we walk down to the masjid together,sir?" "Sure,Sa'ad"
"I actually would want to have a word with you but for the adhan,maybe some other time but don't make this a routine,Roger that! As salaamu'alaykum" Ni'mah warned and walked away without giving Ahmed time for response.
Ahmed was so angry but had to control himself since he still doesn't understand how this small "midget" could test his patience. She's driving him on the edge and she sure would hear his reply he vowed.
"Mr. Ahmed,don't let my mom's hard act get to you. She's a good woman with the softest heart but situations taught her well"

"So says Sa'ad. You actually resemble her since you're a hard nut" Ahmed said giving him a hug which he returned with a smile.
Leaving the mosque after solah,Sa'ad remembers his mom saying she would be needing some provisions for the house and he thought of killing two birds with a stone."Mr Ahmed,can I use your phone please? I need to call ummi"
"Most definitely" he gave him the phone grinning from ear to ear since he'd been racking his brain on how to get her number. What a mercy.
" Ummi,should I get the provision with the money on me..... it's uncle Ahmeds phone....na'am I still have the money on me....okay ma"
Ahmed immediately saved the number as soon as it was returned.
"You must be happy to have ummi's number. You look like you won a contract"
Ahmed looked stunned. This boy is sure too intelligent for his age. He just smiled and they went together to get the provisions.
They strolled back together,Ahmed into his car and Sa'ad home to his mother and siblings.
Ni'mah having cooked,cleaned and fed her kids decided to call Ahmed.
Ahmed so relaxed on his leopard skinned cushion with some chips and kunnun Aya made by his sister on the stool next to him,eyes glued on the iqra channel suddenly felt his phone's vibration and upon seeing the name on it,went all smiley
"As salaamu'alaykum Mr. Ahmed. I really appreciate your help so far but just so you know,my kids and I do not require help from a stranger who barges in and thinks he can take control
It's obvious you're a douchebag but bear in mind that not everyone can be bought. So stop flaunting!" Ni'mah said in one breadth.
"Wa'alaykumusalam. Was that what he did to you? "
"Excuse me" Ni'mah was taken aback
' I said was that what he did to you- your husband or is it ex! Now listen well petals with sugar coated hurtful tongue,don't go judging people! I might be a stranger to you since you just got to know me but you and your kids aren't to me. I've been watching you closely since you moved into the close. When I look at you,I see a wonderful woman,a homemaker,a beautiful mother whose sole aim is to mould her kids upon righteousness but I never saw how judgemental you can be! You do what you like Ni'mah but don't tell me what to do or not to. Sa'ad and I already arranged weekend hifz class and aqeedah in my house-your dream home and starting this weekend with Sakeenah and Misty inclusive, let's see how you explain your refusal to them miss too good!" Ahmed hit the red button and instantly regretted his outburst. Why does she test his patience like no one ever did.
"Egbon mi,is this love that you're feeling?" Rahmah startled Ahmed out of his thought
"Maybe you should use your hearing aid,did you hear me profess love now?" Ahmed barked out
"I'm sorry" Rahmah gave her puppy face that has never failed
"Awwwwh! Fine! I'm sorry for shouting on you,come here smally" Ahmed hugged his sister and apologized for the uptenth time
"Whoever it was you spoke to like that deserves a heartfelt apology. That was too harsh
No matter what, you're responsible for your reaction to what people throw at you,don't you think?' Rahmah asked softly
'yea...h guess you're right but she's so stubborn"
" It's stubborn that can handle you now before nko"
"I've heard you"
"I'm going home. I didnt tell mum that I'll sleep over. Take care. As salaamu'alaykum"
"Okay,let me drop you. Wa'alaykumusalam'

Ni'mah on her part couldn't stop staring at her phone. She does eventually reasoned that he's right after all for the past five years she's been chasing every man away to avoid the past playing a repeat but then none of them have been so forceful like him.
"I guess I owe him an apology. How do I even go about it?"
"Make him your favourite bread recipe. He'll have no choice than to forgive' Sa'ad winked.
Ni'mah smiled since she didn't know she thought out loud.
"I hope he's it for her. Five years is a long time. Ya Allah,help my mom find your love first,the rosul,the love for your Deen and then Ahmed's. I sure can help too" Sa'ad thought

What would Sa'ad do?

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