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"Ahmed! Subhanallahi! What did you do to my love? Ahmed, I really love you. Please I can't lose you now" Ni'mah kept shouting rubbing her hands over Ahmed. When she became less frantic like everyone else,she looked surprised,looked at her hands which came out clean and heaved a sigh of relief and hugged her husband like her next breadth depended on it. Everyone felt relieved.
"No! Ho...w hap....pen?" Yasmine shouted so unsure. In a haste to find answers, she checked her bag and brought out another bottle with WATER written on it and dipped her pinky finger into it. "Ahhhhhhhhhh! " she screamed painfully. Immediately her pinky finger was being eaten off by the acid.
"Hmmmmm! Yasmin's,you're under arrest for...." Kamil was interrupted
" Yasmine! What are you doing here dear?" Mr. Isiaq who just came into the scene asked. He was shocked to see his daughter weeping frantically and Ahmed on the floor and seeing Yasmin's almost eroded finger barked out " Can someone tell me what's going on?! Sobur! You're here too?!"
"Fine! Since everyone is here,why don't we have a filled day?!" Ni'mah winced
"Before you say anything dear,you need to be taken to the hospital. You're hurting badly" Mr. Isiaq moved closer to her.
"Don't you call me dear! Nothing hurts better than that your she devil of a daughter taking everything from me!" She sneered
" Yasmin's,you've never met Ni'mah before. What's happenning!!?"
" of course! I haven't but I've always hated her!" She responded with hatred written all over her blood shot eyes.
" You either speak up right now or I'd support your immediate arrest!"
"Who cares! Jail is preferable to seeing these faces right now! None of you really cared! And I enjoyed scaring the shit out of miss goody two shoes!" She laughed maniacally
" some years ago Sobur here and I were in love or so I thought not until my mom,your supposed wife,that selfish being brought it to our notice the death of your loving wife who happens to be her best friend. I'm still surprised you didn't know sir. She begged me to allow Sobur marry your daughter so he can be in control of her wealth since you willed most of your properties to her. I begged Sobur not to but his greed wouldn't let him. Eventually they got married and we still got in touch. He kept telling me about how lucky he was being married to a rich beautiful virgin girl and this got me so angry. I played my card right and maintained our Friendship. I moved down here and met Ahmed whose father I was told is so rich. I tried my best to get him to notice me and he did but unknown to me that he's one of those people who believe in personal effort. Agreeing to marry him,I thought would give me the life I wanted but alas he was so stingy. The only thing he was good at was professing his love and it got me so angry. I got in touch with sobur and he told me of his wonderful kids and all. I got his wife's number through him unknown to him through my mother and I chatted her up. Her naivety knew no bound. I asked for a picture,she sent and that was all. I used that against her by sending to a male friend to help send to her husband and since then I began my torture so you can suffer like I did. Sobur and I got together unknown to my mother." Everyone looked on dumbfounded.
" I was the one who sent the message exposing my mom's plan to you sir." Mr. Isiaq was surprised. " Sobur divorced her when he couldn't bear the lie any longer but by then I was pregnant. I was happy thinking he was rich now after all we could spend the wealth in his care.  Few years later,he went broke. I adviced we sold the house and car but we couldn't since they're in those bastards' names,smart chic she's "

"Don't you dare call my kids bastards!" Ni'mah screeched but Ahmed held her in place.
"Save your strength! When I couldn't get what I wanted and with mother dead,I began looking for a way to make it big. One day I saw a magazine with Ahmed on the front page and how rich he's become and I had my plan to come back to claim my position. When I moved here and did my findings,I found out he's involved with an old hag whom I didn't know it's her. Although before then at the earlier stage before Ahmed proposed,I knew Sobur might want to go back to her,so I decided to prevent it. I began my torment again on the old hag without knowing she's the same person with the threat of not going ahead to marry because I didn't want a strange woman with Ahmed but the day I'd never forget was the day I called and Ahmed picked to threaten me and he's so smart to have guessed it's a woman not a man after all. When I heard her name and kids' names,I hoped she wasn't the same person and I believed that since she works as a common teacher and the kids weren't using Sobur's name as surname. I knew how much Ahmed loves kids,so the reason I pulled the son card on him but the idiot had to require a DNA. I was hoping to bribe my way with the doctor either in cash or kind to ascribe my son to Ahmed not knowing it'll be after the weddin. So I'd to just plan on how to make her look so repulsive to you with acid all over her face and see now!" She laughed bitterly and began to cry
"You're a shame to womanhood. How could you?! You made me lose a treasure" Sobur scolded harshly
" same way you're a shame to men! Sobur! You're a lazy lass looking to feed off a naive rich lady! You're worse than I am! You left me for her just for the money despite how much you made me believe you loved me!" Yasmin seethed
"You know what Sobur? I'm so happy she ended up with a good man who's a heart and knows the value of a woman unlike you a gold digger! You came back since you've no money but guess what sweety,you're so late. The nuptial knot has been tied. Go Ahmed! Go Ahmed! Go!" She stood up and began dancing.
"Please take her away Kamil and Saheed! I'll come see her later but please take her to the hospital" Mr Isiaq barked out the order.

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