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"I wonder what's keeping petals from being here by now and why isn't she picking her calls?" Ahmed continued pacing in his office. He tried the number yet again but this time around it's switched off. Lots of thought kept roaming his mind.
"My love,I've been begging you for a while now. Please let me make it up to you"
"Make it up to me Yasmin! You! So you can beg me now! Oh wonderful! Just get your sorry behind off my couch and leave right this minute since I wouldn't want petals to see you here!" Ahmad seethed.
" Petals indeed!" Yasmin scoffed. "That old wag is who you call petals! She's withered!"
" That old hag as you called her is the one with the key to my heart now and forever. The earlier you get that ingrained in your thick skull the better!"
"Ahmad you'd diss me for that old hag"
"I didn't diss you lovely,you dissed yourself into a very deep tunnel long ago"
He took his phone dialled the number over and over again yet to no avail.
"Ajar! Come in here"
Ajar wailked in all jittery
"Why are you looking like you've seen a ghost? Why hasn't Ni'mah been here?"
" She actually was sir. That was when aunty Yasmin hugged you" Ajar explained fearfully
"How did you know she hugged me?"
"Aunty Ni'mah opened the door and ran away immediately"
"Subhanallahi! No wonder she hasn't been picking and now her phone is off. Ya Allah! Help me"
"Love,leave her now after all she didn't trust you enough to seek for explanation" Yasmin tried once more.
Ahmad walked to her in intimidating strides which scared her " Look here,if I don't find petals or better still,if I lose her,count yourself dead!" He seethed.
Yasmin didn't need to be told anymore. She scurried away while Ahmad took the steps in two
" I don't want to do this but I have to. AZ,please trace Ni'mah for me"
"And why's that? I'm sorry I can't because she made me promise never to do that again and I did. A Muslims word is sacred!" AZ explained strolling in.
Ahmad glared but gave up when AZ didn't budge.
He drove down to Ni'mah'e house and knocked like his life depended on it .
"Alfa wetin happen? You want break the door?" Papa Ngozi,Ni'mah'e neighbour asked
" Oh I'm sorry sir. Good afternoon. Please where's this woman?"
"Alhaja? My wife say she tell am say she dey travel"
"Travel! To where?"
" Make una see me see trouble,how that one con be my own pot of soup. Abeg no dey knock like that again"
He said and walked away. Ahmad stood on the spot and thought who to call but couldn't figure it out until a snap " of course! She'd have gone. She's been wanting to" He instantly dialled a number.
"As salaamu'alaykum sir,please sir,is Ni'mah there?" He asked so unsure but filled with hope. His hands raised to his temple
"Wa'alaykumusalam Ahmad. Yes she's but doesn't want to talk to you. Whatever you've done might make me want to revoke my offer"
"No! Please! Don't sir! It isn't what she saw. Can I just talk to her,please?
"Calm down young man. I'll try but I can't promise"
He waited and could hear whispers "but abiii,I told you that I don't want to talk to that lying cheat!" Ahmad grimaced at that. "But like I'd been telling you,what if it isn't what it is?" " I know what I saw. He was hugging a woman and a beautiful young one at that!"
Finally she spoke "Yes!"
"Ni'mah,please,just come back home. It isn't what you saw. Yasmin and I...."
"Oh! So, she's a name! A beautiful one at that! See,go and be with your miss beautiful perkiness and leave me alone!"
"But I don't want to be with any miss perkiness since I already have you"
" Have me?! In your dream"
"So am I forgiven?" He asked chuckling
"Like it's that easy. No you're not!" And with that she hung up 
Ahmed looked at his phone and almost smashed it with his bare hand.

"Ayo mi, you're being hard on that man"
"Abiii but do you think it's possible he loves me like he claims. You know,me with three kids and older. It's a fantasy and one I don't even want to want"
"Hmmmmm! I understand your fear but it is. Have you forgotten Khadijah and the Rasul?"
" Abiii i.haven't forgotten but he isn't the Rasul (sallallahu alayhi wa Salam) and I am not Khadijat(Radiyallahu anha), so what are we saying. Plus do you know his mom is so against this though his father is so supportive. I have even seen him on two occasions when he came to the office. His exact words "as far as you make him happy, you've my support" has kept ringing but his mother she once called me and kept hurling insults on me on how I've charmed her son and how I'd never be accepted by her" she finished unhappily.
"Who does she think she is?! My own daughter is a jewel. How dare she!"
"Abiii sobur,I understand her pain. She might be concerned especially child bearing,submissiveness and what have you. I'd do same in her shoes. A mother who loves her son would do that"
"Oh! So you're rooting for her already dear. When will you stop giving excuses for people's illtreatment of you,ehn! Tell me"
"As long as my heart accepts. Now abii, I haven't seen your wife since we came"
" That woman isn't my wife!"
"What happened?"
"She cheated on me and actually married me...."
"To.swindle you" Ni'mah concluded
"But how did you know?"
Ni'mah told.her father how she overheard the conversation between.her and Sobur and all that happened to her afterwards
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I can't be a bearer of such news plus you wouldn't have believed me but Alhamdulillahi. We're,here. I miss you abii" She hugged her dad so hard.
The kids came from sight seeing and everyone prepared for Maghrib

"Uncle Ahmed!" Masturah shouted
Ni'mah out of the mosque dumbfounded and angrier
Couldn't he even give her time,she wondered but the sight of him just melted the anger.
"As salaamu'alaykum petals" Ahmad walked to her unsure of her reaction.
"Wa'alaykumusalam Mr toothie smile" she responded uninterestedly
"Welcome Ahmed. I didn't know you'd Land so early"
"Daddy! You knew he was coming!"
"Of course I do else I won't Grant him entry into my house plus you seem stupid enough not to want to listen to him." Mr. Isiaq responded walking away
Sakeenah and Sa'ad came to usher him into the house,offered him drink and snacks
"Don't you want to know who that was?"
"It's of no concern to me"
"Really! But it sent you down here! Come on Ni'mah, you're better than that." Ahmed responded
"Oh so now you know yet you hugged a non mahram,a perky and beautiful one at that!"
" Would you have preferred I hugged an ugly and haggard one!" He asked with a knowing smirk
"Like I care" she hissed
" Fine! Since you won't ask,then I'll tell you. Yasmin and I were once married" he checked for her reaction and saw how scornful she looked at the mention of that. He chuckled and continued " then I had nothing. She made excessive demands that I couldn't afford and eventually she realized I couldn't give her the kind of life she wanted,she asked for divorce. I begged her,sent people to especially Az,my mom,dad, Rahmah but she was adamant. I loved her so much but since her heart wasn't with me anymore,I let her go. I was surprised when I saw her today. I actually thought it was you when she knocked but she announced herself in the presence of Ajar who had to excuse us. If you'd not been so stupid, you'd have noticed my hands weren't around her. I didn't expect it when she hugged me and if you'd been patient enough, you'd have seen me push her away" Ahmed concluded angrily
" Bravo so I not only get being called stupid but I'm impatient too! You may take your leave now Ahmed!"
" I didn't come visiting you sweets. Would you keep running away at every obstacle Ni'mah. Stay and solve hitches and stop being childish,running away at every petty thing"
"You call that petty! Maybe I should go and hug a man too...."
"You wouldn't dare!"
"Really! I wouldn't dare not because of you Ahmed but because I'd be sinning against my Rabb"
Ahmed understood instantly how jealous she must have felt. He couldn't just picture another man holding his woman.
" Fine! Ni'mah. I'm sorry for being insensitive. I just don't want to lose you. I'm sorry please?" He pleased soberly
"You should have done this instead of calling me stupid,petty and what have you" Ni'mah said sniffing
He just can't stand her tears. Why haven't I married her already. She cleaned her eyes through the niqab
"So,I hope the coast is clear now? Can I come in,hope no stone in sight?" Mr Isiaq joked
"Yes.daddy. jazaakumullahu kahiran "
"Wa hiyaakum love"  "Please I'm famished and I'm sure Ahmed is"
"Are you staying the night?"
"Yes Ni'mah but you and I are leaving on the first flight back tomorrow because my mom finally agreed to meet you"
Ni'mah was shocked. "Really!"
"So you were so sure I'd forgive you! So cliche" she tsked
"No,I was so sure love wins eventually"
"Whatever" she rolled her eyes. "Let me get dinner started"
Ahmed settled down into a long discussion with his father in law

How friendly is Mrs Ibrahim gonna get? Will Ni'mah win her heart like she did Ahmed and his father?

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