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"Allaahumma rahmataka 'arjoo falaa takilnee 'ilaa nafsee tarfata 'aynin, wa 'aslih lee sha'nee kullahu, laa'ilaaha 'illaa 'Anta- O Allah , I hope for Your mercy . Do not leave me to myself even for the blinking of an eye (i.e. a moment) . Correct all of my affairs for me . There is none worthy of worship but You" Ni'mah kept chanting while going into the school compound.

"How does he keep locating me? Who do I tell my affairs to? Who'd understand my plight? Ya Allah,I turn my affairs to you completely"

Sa'ad walking alongside his mother was filled with undeniable rage but he refused to vent in front of her. "I need to give her strength. She has always taught me  to give positivity to people when they're sad" "what does he want this time Ya Allah! It happened in my presence but nobody would take my word for it that I know the real situation. I might have been 5years then but I sure knew! Ya Allah let the truth see the light of day!" He thought

"There you are pretty brain! What kept you so late!" Ameenah asked

"Sorry Meenah,you know the road condition and rush hour palaver" Ni'mah answered her friend in one breadth.

"What's with the rushed words? Did someone swallow hot yam or na okra soup you chop this morning or better still what's with you Nini?" She asked with a raised brow and concern written all over her.

"Can't one just have peace! Ok,mummy Meenah I'm sorry o,I'm just stressed" Ni'mah quickly said brightening up.

"Better! You know you're my flower and I need to make sure you bloom always, got that?"she asked hitting her playfully on the hand and taking her arms to walk down to the morning circle.

"Abeg shey na amaryllis I be abi na sunflower?"Ni'mah asked in a sing song manner.

"Flower of all time ni. Anyone wey e like make e be" Aminah responded.

They walked on.

"Hmm! Should I just tell Aminah? But she has a lot going on! I shouldn't add to her probs!'' Ni'mah thought

Sa'ad led the students in the recitation of the Noble Qur'an. This is one of those times Ni'mah always feels peace and pride towards her son. That he's growing up religiously upright is a mercy from Allah she prays never ceases. Deen over Dunya has been her watchword. Pious offsprings is a passionate craving for her.

She listened to her son's beautiful voice as the recitation continues.

"Baarakallahu feeh Nini! This your boy dey make pikin hungry person born o"

"Nikkah first abeg. Make marriage hungry you first else if you do felefele, no worry na me go champion 100strokes for you"

"Just help pray I get a good man sincerely because ehn!the kain one kain one kain story wey person dey hear ehn!e dey make marriage be like horror film"

Seeing the fearful look on her face,Ni'mah gave her arm a loving squeeze "See,Meenah, marriage is for the relugious,prayerful,brave,wise and responsible. You've got all these qualities. When Allah sends him to you,do your istikhara(seeking for Allah's counsel) pray,do your findings properly and voila " Ni'mah responded with a snap of her finger

"Hmm! French teacher voila! In Shaa Allah. Jazaakumullahu khairan"

"Such a wonderful woman. So passionate and filled with compassion. I wonder why she never mentions her husband and why the mention of him evokes sadness. Whatever it's she's hiding and fearful of,Ya Allah ease her affairs" Ameenah thought to herself.

The kids matched down to their classrooms. Sa'ad walking towards his mother,gave her a sweet hug and told her "ummi have faith and be patient. Allah's with the faithful and patient. Have a nice day ummi"

Her son's words made her so teary "ok sir! I've heard you sir,officer Nini at your beck and call sir,your wish is my command sir"she responded playfully taking a salute. Both laughed and went their separate ways_Sa'ad to his class,Ni'mah to the staff room having found Aminah who went with the other staff members. "Alhamdulillahi for the gift of a pious child" "I'll fight this through this time around. No more hiding" she thought even though she knows deep down that fighting would comes with a price. After all who fights with a pig and don't get soiled?!


The meeting with the site team took most of Ahmed's time. He checked his wrist watch and noticed Dhur was approaching. He cleared his throat "Gentlemen,thank you for your time but as you know the time for solat is approaching,if we may,we shall continue some other time. Thank you so very much for your time. Mr. Ayoola,please tell Mr Abass to get the keys to the mosque" he handshook everyone one of the five men.

"Ok sir" Mr. Ayoola responded. Though a christain but he admired his boss's consciousness to serve his Lord.

When the last person left,Ahmed quickly took off his suit yet again,made wudu  and observed two rakkah of du'a on his prayer mat usually tucked on a shelf where his Qur'an is.  since he still had like 20mins to Dhur. He got out his mobile Qur'an and read. He was so indulged in his recitations and was torn from it when he heard the call for prayer from his company's mosque.

He left his office and made his way to the mosque reciting his adhkar as he went. He met with his staff members,greeted them irrespective of the position-one thing he cherishes about the Deen-that no matter your status,the mosque is a place of common ground,equality- no one better except the one with the most taqwah.

He observed his nawafil and joined the congregation when the iqamah was called. In prostration,he never forgot to pray for the niqobi and her kids and he asked for such goodness.

Back to his office,he couldn't get her out of his mind especially her crying self.

He picked up his phone,checked his directory and called a number.

"Mawaddah school,As salaamu'alaykum,good morning,how may we help you?"

"Wa'alaykumusalam Shukrah,when is your closing hour?"

"Oh! Mr Ahmed! I just checked the number. I'm so sorry sir. I didn't know you're the one sir! It's 3pm sir"

"No problem,I understand. You're doing a fine job. Baarakallahu feeh. My regards to your boss and thank you" the line went dead.


Ni'mah got her kids ready to go home with Masturah running here and there,bringing her items,then forgetting some and repeating same.

"See!" Masturah shouted pointing towards the opened gate wide-eyed and in a flash,she was off running towards the gate. Ni'mah turned and made to grab her,then saw her running towards Ahmed who enveloped her in a hug. She shook her head and walked together with Sakeenah and Sa'ad.

"As salaamu'alaykum Mr. Ahmed. To what do we owe this stop over?" Ni'mah asked suspiciously.

"Wa'alaykumusalam wa rahmatullahi. I heard a beautiful princess saying my car smells nice and it's fine,so I'm here to give her a ride home so she doesn't inhale bad smell" he answered smiling at Sakeenah who smiled happily but looked towards her mom apologetically.

"You really don't owe us niceties. They're my kids and we're fine with or without help!" She made sure her children had walked towards the car before opening her brimstone of words.

"Miss goodie two shoes,we can skip the unpleasantness. I'm sure your kids know your home address because if you don't want to ride with us,so be it!"Ahmed snapped and wondered why her rejection hurts so much.

Ni'mah stared in Surprise and watched his retreating back. "Wait, did he just say that? Like seriously! I guess I deserve that" she mental spanked herself,walked down to the car in a daze,opened the back door and made sure she slammed it so hard to depict her anger.

"Ummi,do you want to spoil....." Misty didn't need to be told to keep quiet.

"Ummi,lie down if you're angry o so it will go" Misty said. Ni'mah smiled and hugged her baby giving her head a pat while raising her head, in the rearview mirror saw Ahmed smile and it just melts her heart but then she made up her mind to have a real talk with him.

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