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"Bismillah" goes mother and kids while getting in the car after a scuffle between Sa'ad who tactfully went for the front seat and little Misty who wanted to sit as well.
"Misty sweety,go join ummi and Sakeenah at the back"
"Why?" She says innocently
"Because Abu..... And I are males ,so no free mixing"
"Brother uncle abu,is that true?"
"Misty,your brother is right,go join your mummy and sister"

Masturah jumping up and clapping her little hands "he called me Misty,I have another friend" doing a merry go round dance.

"Masturah!!!!! Get in the car" snapped Ni'mah and Sa'ad same time

Ahmad gave a little laugh and had to lift little miss into the car while he went around to get in the driver's seat.

"Bismillah",then he started the car.

" You've a nice car sir and it's neat and smelling nice unlike..."

"Wish him well Sakeenah" Ni'mah cuts in.

"Baarakallahu feeh sir" says Sakeenah

"Ameen wa anti" says Ahmad.

"Sakeenah you left your sentence unfinished earlier. So, unlike what?" Ahmad asked inquisitively

"Unlike those buses we've to board on our way to school everyday" Sakeenah said with a snort.

Ni'mah so bewildered with eyes wide open "would you prefer trekking to school now darling?"

"Subhanallahi! Ummi! No. I'm not complaining. Can't one appreciate good things any longer?"

Understanding her daughter better,"I'm sorry love. I just don't want us to complain about Allah's rahmah. There are people even without legs to walk,don't you think?"

"Na'am. Alhamdullilahi"

"I love Islam!" Shouted Misty from nowhere startling everyone.

"Really little Misty,and why's that?"

"I'm big Misty! I don't want to be little. Say big Misty!" Masturah went  slightly vexed

"Okay big Misty. Why do you like Islam?" Ahmad asked so awed by the little miss brilliance.

"Ummi,why do I love Islam?" She asked looking for help from ummi

"That's for you to answer and not ummi" said Sa'ad turning back to look at his adorable little sister.

"O..k...ay, I love Islam because we a...re Muslims a.....nd Muslims should be......grate...ful always!" She said not so sure of her response.

"Wow! Such a brilliant response from a brilliant big Misty!" Ahamd said so proudly

Ni'imah could only smile under her niqob and utter  Alhamdulillahi while hugging her little daughter.

"Alhamdulillahi! Uncle Abu is proud of me. Ummi,do you think Allah is too?"

"Allah loves his slaves who're grateful Masturah" says Sakeenah

"And big Misty,I'm not uncle abu but uncle Ahmad,okay?"

"Yes ab.... I mean uncle Ahmad and thank you"

"Thank you too darling for making me remember that Muslims shouldn't whine but be grateful"

"Ummi,don't mind uncle Ahmad o! I didn't say wine o!"

Ni'mah and everyone laughed heartily while Masturah looked confused.

" little love,it isn't w.I.n.e but w.h.I.n.e which can mean complain" explained said.

"Really? Another new word! Alhamdulillahi!"

Ahmad went mentally "hmmmm! Such wonderful kids and hopefully their mom would be too. I just want a family like this. They are lively,lovely and so full of knowledge. Baarakallahu feekum. I wouldn't mind her tho! Subhanallahi!  What am I thinking about? She obviously is married! Another Man's wife,audhubillahi ,astaghfirullahi!"

"He isn't bad with kids. Any man who can handle Misty is sure a super hero! He isn't bad too! Ni'imah dear you're so outta your mind! Did I just admire a man,like really!"

Ahmad and Ni'mah were pulled out of their personal thought when Misty shouted suddenly :"brother Sa'ad adhkar for when someone sees someone in trial or tribulation"

" Alhamdulillahi ladhi 'afaaniy mimma ibtalaaka bihi wa Faddhalaniy ala kathiriin mimma khalaqa tafdhilaan- Praise is to Allah who has spared me what He has afflicted you with and preferred me greatly above much of what He has created" Sa'ad read out while Misty repeated along wit him.

"So who did you see in distress madam!" Snapped Sakeenah

"See!" Misty pointed towards the roadside where a woman without legs,blind was sitting surrounded by 3kids all crying and the woman's hand outstretch to beg for alms.

This sight brought tears to Ni'mah's eyes and she was once again grateful for her life and her kids

" Mr Ahmad,could you spare few minutes. Just park,please"

Ahmad so taken aback did as was told.

Ni'mah dipped her hand into her purse,brought out a naira note,gave it to Misty while folding it and told her not to check the amount. Alighted and went with her to give the poor woman sighted. Misty was happy and hugged her mother who did same,both came back into the car all teary.

Mawwadaa school finally came into view.

Ahmad swerved close to the gate and parked.

Suddenly Ni'imah's phone rang. Ahmad looked towards her expecting her to pick the call but the look on her face while staring at her phone screen held Ahmad spellbound. Her hand gripped the phone like wanted to break it with bare hand. Her eyes looked so sad and she shivered like someone someone thrown into a pool of ice without cloth.

Sakeenah and Masturah already ran into the school compound. Sa'ad sensing his mom's hesitation,looked back and ran to her still rooted on the point of alighting. "Ummi,is he the one calling!" He asked gritting his teeth and clenching his fists.

"Yes dear" and that broke the ice. The tears began to fall.

Ahmad looked on in wonder.

First,what strength does this 10yrs old possess? Who's he? And why's the he a source of sadness and hate to this woman and her son?

"Mr Ahmad. Thanks for the favour. May Allah reward you abundantly. Thanks also for tolerating my kids"

"You're most welcome ma but if I may ask.....?"

"Part of the perfection of one's deen is to leave that which is of no concern to him Mr. Ahmad"  Sa'ad replied

Oh sure! Thought Ahmad and he zoomed off after Ni'mah made Sa'ad apologize for his rude outburst.

Who's the he? Why's just a call from him shattering her life?

You like?

Let's endeavour to memorise the adhkar in here please

It's number 83 in Hisnul Muslim


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