The Midas Touch

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"I am not gay," I thought as I laid here naked as Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.

Oh, my apologies. I haven't introduced myself. My government is Bryce Daniel Carter, but my friends and clients call me BD. I stand 6'3", 195 pounds of lean muscle. My skin is mocha chocolate brown, while my hair is faded and wavy. Like my hygiene, my personality is always on point and clean cut. Now, back to the task at hand. I am here lying in this big ass comfortable bed with my boss' right hand and lover. How did I get my self in this situation? I came over here to talk to my boss about quitting the business and ended up dick slaying his boy.

I came to South Beach, Florida just six months ago with $750 and driving my silver and black 2009 Monte Carlo as my own. I moved in with my "brother from another mother" in Flamingo Park and that is when shit started to get crazy. Now, in order for you to understand where I am at, you have to know where I've been...


It all started seven years ago when I was 15. My mom, pops and I moved to Charlotte, North Carolina from Houston, Texas after my dad got a promotion. My pops, Braxton David Carter was light cocoa-brown, hazel eyed and had a swimmer's build. He was a youthful thirty six years old with a boyish grin and teenage spirit. Braxton had a thin mustache believing that his clean face presented him better as the Senior Vice President of a pharmaceutical company. I was the oldest of two. My twelve year old sister Brittany Ann was beautiful and poised like my mother Dana Lynn. My thirty three year old mom was a licensed registered nurse. She took a job at the local hospital. It became apparent to me that my mom and dad depended on me to take care of my sister while they were at their mundane jobs.

It was August 2004 and my parents wanted Brit and me to stay in the house until late afternoon because of the heat-wave that North Carolina was experiencing. Since she and I were used to the weather from growing up in Texas, we knew that we were not going to follow the parentals rules. My dad worked 6 AM-7 PM, while my mom worked 9 AM-8 PM. Everyday, Brittany and me would go outside at 10 AM and would only retreat into the house when we wanted a glass of water or lemonade.

Two weeks before school started, I was playing basketball on the front lawn of my two story house when this light skinned dude about my age rode past on a blue and black ten speed bike. He stopped and watched as I slam dunked the ball into the miniature goal that my dad had bought me. I turned and looked at him.

"What up, bruh? You wanna play some one on one?"

"You call that playing ball, dude?"

"Why don't you come up here and see. You gonna talk trash or play ball?"

And, that is how my friendship with Romeo Wilson began. After playing ball for about two hours, he and I went into the house and went up to my room. As we played the XBOX 360, I managed to get a closer look at my new friend. He was light skinned, but I realized he had to be mixed because of his curly hair and green eyes. Standing at 6'2, about 170 pounds of muscle, I knew that he worked out. Strangely enough, I felt an attraction to him. Now, I knew gay people. Hell, I had a gay uncle and two gay cousins, but I never had an attraction to dudes.

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