South Beach State of Mind

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So, here I am again with Michelle

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So, here I am again with Michelle. We seemed to be back into the same routine as we were when we together years ago. Dinner with her partners had fell through last night, so tonight, she and I were going to meet them for drinks and maybe go out to a club. I called Romeo several times to join us, but to no avail. I assumed that he was with Aarik. He seemed to be preoccupied during dinner the night before. Michelle had even suggested that he call and invite Aarik since we were coupled up, but he quickly declined. I could tell that Romeo wasn't completely comfortable with who he was yet and that was the reason for his skepticism. Deep down inside, I knew that he was always this way, but I couldn't judge the dude who practically made me who I was. I still hadn't come to terms with my new job as one of Sincere's "gay for pay" gigolos. But, back to this evening and this particular event at hand.

I wore a cotton blue dress shirt with white buttons and white dress slacks. My sneakers were white with baby blue shoelaces. We were supposed to be leaving an hour ago, but got sidetracked. Michelle just couldn't get enough of spending time with me. Every time I would go to get ready, she would pull me back down on the bed. I genuinely was redeveloping feelings for her, but I wanted to be cautious. There was still things about me that she didn't know and vise versa. Michelle stepped out of the bathroom wearing a sleeveless white dress with matching heels. She had dangling diamond earrings hanging in her ears, while her hair was up on her head showcasing her neck. I stared at her as she walked slowly over to me. She grabbed me by my hands and willed me to stand to my feet.

"You look so handsome, Mr. Carter," she said as she approved of my attire. "We make the perfect match, just like we used to."

"The perfect match, huh? Were we living the same life?" I asked.

"Yes, we were, Bryce. I know we had our issues, but I always knew that we'd end up here together. From the moment I laid eyes on you in high school, I knew you were my man."

I laughed softly, "You did always follow me around staring at me. I used to catch you hiding behind lockers, stairwells and shit. But, I knew that the moment would come when we make our moves."

"I see," she said as she kissed me lightly on the lips. "Well, I guess we should be going. I don't wanna keep the bosses waiting."

I scoffed, "Girl, please. Everybody knows that you the boss."

And, with that we exited her hotel room to begin our night out on the town.



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