Out of The Darkness & Into The Light

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I hate lying to Chancez

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I hate lying to Chancez. He means so much to me. But, there are other things in my life that are just as important. I just wanted answers. Where, when...why now? I knew that she would know. She and Jonathan were like two peas of the same twisted pod. I walked slowly down the wooden pier towards the elaborate houseboat. Anything she did, she did it big. As I heard the wood creak under my feet, I couldn't but remember my first night with her. I didn't even have time to revisit my past, when my future was gearing up to be so complicated. She appeared on the deck of the boat. I looked up at her wearing a sheer lacy bra and panties. At her age, she was still one of the most beautiful and intriguing women that I had ever met...or had sex with. We observed each other cautiously. I looked at her long legs, as she looked at my ominous attire. I was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans with black sneakers. I removed the hood from my head. I stared at her, as she stared at me...waiting to see who was gonna break the silence. She did.

"Ray, you look...older. But, I must admit, you are still sexy," She said in a sultry tone. "Aren't you gonna come aboard?"

"Not until you tell me what the hell you two are doing here in Florida," I retorted. "I am so angry right now. Why did he do it?"

"I will let him answer that for you. But, right now, you and I have...some things to discuss."

I scoffed, "I don't have time for your mind games. Where...is...he?"

"Just come aboard and we can talk."

"Okay. Me and you can talk, but don't try anything. I am with Chancez. He is the one who has my heart."

"Your heart is not your strongest asset," Marisol said, as she turned to walk back into the boat. "I am sure my son knows all about that, huh? Come aboard."

I sighed deeply, as I climbed aboard the boat. Chancez was at the restaurant waiting on me to show up and I was here with his dearly departed mother. He may not believe in ghosts, but I know for a fact that they exist.




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