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Michelle and I have decided to explore the relationship thing again

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Michelle and I have decided to explore the relationship thing again. It has been a long time coming and I think we are both emotionally and financially capable of handling it this time. We have decided to put the past in the past and move forward. Last night, Brittany and Chandra cooked dinner and I must say I was thoroughly impressed. Michelle got here a little late, so I had to keep her plate warm. But, in the meantime, I got to know Chandra and make my sister squirm.

Don't get me wrong. I love my sister and I would do anything in the world for her. But, I am going to let her come to me with this. This is not my place to judge seeing as though I am sleeping with men for money... at least I think it is for money. Lately, I have been thinking a lot about that weekend that Romeo and I spent together before he moved down here with his grandmother. I remember the conversation we had about Michelle, I remember the wrestling, and I remember... maybe I should just put that out of my mind as well. I really just wanna let my sister know that I am here for her. She and C-Dra, as Chandra calls herself, are going to be leaving this afternoon.

I walked down the hallway to Romeo's bedroom where the girls were sleeping. Romeo had called to let us know he was staying elsewhere for the night and Brittany could sleep in his bed. I hadn't told Romeo about my suspicions and I don't think that he even paid attention enough to suspect. But, Michelle was dead-on. I could tell she knew from the very beginning what the deal was with Chandra and my sister.

As I slowly opened the door to Romeo's room to peek in, it creaked. I grabbed it quickly and held it until I could enter without waking the two of them. Yes, Chandra had slept in the bed with my sister just as I knew she would. The two of them thought they were slick. Chandra had laid down on the couch and pretended to sleep to pacify me, but as soon as I closed my bedroom door to get in the bed with Michelle, she crept her ass into the room with Brittany. I suspect they didn't expect me to walk in and ruin their early morning exit plan. I walked over closer to the bed and watched them. They were wrapped up in each other's arms. Chandra was holding my sister the way I hold Michelle at night. They look... so peaceful. My sister looks so happy and free.

Every fiber of my being is screaming out this is wrong, but how can I think my sister's happiness is wrong? Love is love regardless of who it is with. Men love women, women love men, and yes; men love men, while women love women. It is all the same emotion. It's all love. As I turned to leave the room, they began to stir.


I slowly turned to see Chandra sitting up in the bed. She was wearing a black "wife-beater" and she was wearing a durag. I observed her, as she observed me. We were waiting for the other to react. I walked closer to the bed and my eyes fixated on the tattoo on her arm. It was a date. Numbers and their nicknames. 8-8-08: C-Dra and Brit-Brat 4-Ever. I looked up at her and she began to speak.

"We... lied. Brittany thought it was best. I am just like you in many ways, Bryce," She said as I stared at her. Brittany was still fast asleep or pretending to be. "We both want the best for Brittany. She loves you so much. You are her idol. I imagine you didn't know that."

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