A Party For Taylor

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I leaned forward and gave Taylor a half-hug

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I leaned forward and gave Taylor a half-hug. The look on his face was priceless.

"Now, now; Taylor, did you think that I would forget my best friend's 21st birthday? Besides, I didn't even know this was a party for you."

"It... it is. Um, Sincere... thought I should do it big," Taylor said nervously as he stared at me.

"Sincere thought, huh?" I asked sarcastically as I walked around Taylor admiring his audacity and his clothes.

Taylor was wearing an outfit that I am sure cost over $1500 dollars, but I was still not impressed. He was still the same gold-digging opportunist that I always knew he was. But, even then, I loved him because he was my friend. I smirked at the 24-carat gold hoop chain around his neck, as he turned to face me.

"So, what brings you back to South Beach?" Taylor asked.

"I have my reasons, but I am not in the mood to discuss that right now. I have taken up more of your time, than I expected. I actually came here to see Sinsei, but I guess that will have to wait," I said as I prepared to leave.

"You... you don't have to leave so soon, Aarik," Taylor said as he stared at me. "I am really glad that you are here. I always expected to be celebrating my 21st with my best friend."

"Oh, but I'm not your best friend, Taylor," I said as I leaned in to Taylor. "I stopped being your friend the day you fucked my man. Now, if you really want me to stay, I'll stay. I'm sure Romeo and his friend would love to see a nice little showdown."

"We will discuss this later, but I do think that you should stay. I'm not holding any grudges," Taylor said with confidence as Sincere began walking over towards us. "Just don't do this here tonight, Aarik."

Sincere walked over and put his hand on the nape of Taylor's back, as he stared surprisingly at me. I licked my full lips for effect and smiled.

"Hello, Sinsei. Long time, no see."

"Aarik Raiford, is that really you?" Sincere asked.

"Yeah, it's me. I know I'm not that unforgettable, so you can stop acting, Sincere. I came here tonight intending to talk to you, but I wasn't aware you were having a party for my... for Taylor."

"Well, yes, this is. It's Taylor's birthday party and you weren't invited. I don't think that you should be here. And, whatever you need to say to me, it can wait."

I scoffed, "Oh, really? Is is like that, Sincere? I put up with all of your bullshit for over two years and this is how you treat me?"

"Come on, A. Maybe, this is not the best time," Romeo said trying to keep the peace, as Bryce took all of the drama in.

"Romeo, this doesn't concern you. And, I am sorry that your friend has to see me acting like a bitch on his first night in town, but this is me. I haven't changed and I never will. That was the problem anyway, wasn't it, Sincere?"

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