Ass Up, Face Down

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What the hell is going on? How did I get undressed? My head is pounding right now

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What the hell is going on? How did I get undressed? My head is pounding right now. I looked around the room and realized I was at my mother's house in her living room. I am so glad that she is out of town on a church trip. My mother hasn't seen me naked since I was sixteen years old and even then, I wasn't ready for her to see how much I had grown. Where is he? What did I do? I grabbed my dress slacks from the previous night and sprang from the couch to go to the bathroom.

After relieving myself, I returned to the living room and that's when I smelled it. There was a sweet aroma coming from the kitchen. I looked at the grandfather clock in the living room corner. It was 9:48 a.m. As I headed towards the aroma, the doorbell rang.

"Damn it!" I whispered to myself.

I sighed deeply as I turned and headed towards the door. Without looking in the peephole, I opened the door. Why did I do that?

"Are you ready?" Romeo asked as he walked past me into the house.

"Ready for what, Rome?"

"The day on the beach, remember? Doesn't my attire tell you anything?"

I stared at his white T-shirt, lime green swimming trunks and brown sandals. He had a towel wrapped around his neck. I rubbed my eyes to wake myself fully up and that when we heard the crash.

"Fuck!" I whispered a little too loudly to myself. Romeo stared at me. "Uh, Rome, there's a real good explanation for this."

"I know, Aarik. Obviously, your mother decided not to go on her church trip. She's cooking you breakfast?"

I stared at Romeo, speechless for a minute. But, he shattered the silence when he entered the room wearing nothing but his navy blue boxer briefs that hugged him in all the right places. I gasped as Romeo turned to see what I was looking at. He walked over towards us with ease and not a bit of embarrassment.

"Good morning, Aarik! I had hoped to surprise you with my famous french cuisine breakfast in bed or in our case, couch. You guys must've heard me drop the pot. Sorry about that. Your mother's kitchen is a labyrinth. I'll figure it out yet."

Romeo looked back at me and then back at him.

"What the fuck is going on here? Who the hell are you, dude?"

"The question is, who the hell are you? I was invited here last night by Aarik. I don't recall talking about a threesome. And, I only made breakfast for two. So, I suggest you leave."

"I ain't going no muthafucking where," Romeo seethed. "Aarik, who is this old ass dude?"

I sighed deeply and ran my hands over my head as Romeo then looked at me. I stared at him apologetically.

"Rome, this is Dickson. Dickson meet Romeo."



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