Reverse Cowboy

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The morning sun shone brightly on Aubrey's face as he woke up on the beach. He stretched as he sat up and looked around at the white sand. He realized that he was fully dressed and had slept on the beach. He didn't remember anything about the night before except for the three female strippers that Trey had ordered for his and Justin's bachelor party. What he didn't know was that he had a hell of a lot more to worry about than groping on a few strippers. This was his wedding day and although he didn't know how he had gotten on the beach, he was happy that the day had finally arrived.

While the wedding party and their guests were getting ready for the ceremony, another couple were preparing for their plan to finally be set into motion. The beautiful woman stared at herself in the mirror looking over the makeup that she had put on her face to the pearl necklace that her husband had placed around her neck. She looked her dress over and was excited that she was going to be a part of the ceremony and nobody but the bride knew that she was. She was looking forward to seeing the son that she was forced to give up when he was a child and to look into the eyes of the man who broke her heart. The woman sighed deeply as she opened a pill bottle and looked down at her pills. A glass of water sat to the side as she stared at it and then at the pill bottle before walking over to the toilet and pouring the entire contents of the bottle into the water. She watched as the pills swirled around and around and out her sight, as her husband entered the bathroom and kissed her on the neck.

"Good morning, beautiful," He said. "Are you ready for your part in our plan to begin?"

"Of course, honey. That little girl had no idea that she was falling into a plan that had been set in motion many, many years ago. Today, we will both have our justice and NO ONE will stand in our way."

The trumpets begin to herald the arrival of the matron of honor. The doors slowly open and several people gasp, as the matron of honor slowly begins walking down the aisle. She is wearing a specially made white and blue Monique Lullier gown as she holds a bouquet of white roses and baby's breath. The woman walks slowly taking in her moment of triumph as she walks towards the arch. Kaylen, Jared, Avis and Aubrey; especially can't believe their eyes. They all have pasts with this woman, but don't move a muscle to interrupt the ceremony. As she reaches the arch, the woman smiles at Avis and then winks at Aubrey, who smiles back nervously. As the orchestra ends the CHRIS BROWN song, "Without You" fills the room. The 200 guests stand to their feet murmuring and whispering about the matron of honor and the unique circumstances of the ceremony, as they turn their attention to the end of the aisle. Jaycen was wearing a white tailor made suit with a blue tie and white tennis shoes. In his hand, he held up a set of tied together blue and black shoelaces to let Aubrey know that their plan had worked. He smiled when Aubrey held up a set of yellow shoelaces and nodded his head. Jaycen looked at the guests as he and Talia neared the arch. He looked over each groomsmen, bridesmaid and man maid. His eyes locked on Talia's matron of honor as he finally reached the end of the aisle.

"Hello, Jaycen. I bet you are surprised to see me," She said.

"Surprised is an understatement, Vanessa," Jaycen said softly as he stared into the eyes of Avis' mother and his ex-fiancee.' He looked over at Avis and shrugged his shoulders, as the minister began to officiate the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today in the presence of this company to celebrate the union of these four who stand before us. Now, this ceremony is a little different from the traditional form, I know, but it is not any less real."

Jaycen's ring was a gold band that had two small canary yellow diamonds on each side symbolizing Aubrey and him being joined as one.

Aubrey sighed and looked down before he started to talk.

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