Friend of A Friend

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I walked into the marble furnished kitchen to the sweetest aroma

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I walked into the marble furnished kitchen to the sweetest aroma. I had decided to wear my blue Armani suit with a pin-striped tie and matching shoes. It was a beautiful Monday morning and I had to get out and pound the pavement if I wanted to land a job.

Romeo stood over the stove in a "beater" and navy blue silk pajama pants. The pants were slightly low, showing off the beginning of his ass. I smiled as I walked over to him and slapped him hard on both cheeks.

"Ouch, you fucka!" Romeo yelped as he rubbed his ass through the pajamas.

"What's all of this, boy?" I asked as I sat down on a stool at the marble bar.

"I decided to cook you a nice omelet to start your day. You still like them sausage, cheese and bell pepper omelets, right?"

"Hell, yeah," I laughed. "I am surprised that you remembered that. We haven't eaten those together in a long time."

Romeo smirked as he grabbed a plate and scooped the omelet onto it. He put a fork on the side and placed the plate down in front of me.

"Eat," He said in a demanding tone. "Today is going to determine the way you see the rest of your life heading."

"And, this omelet is going to help me deal with all of that?"

"Nah, that bougie ass education of yours is gonna do that, choir boy," Romeo said as he walked past me. "I got some things to do today, so I will see you later."

"Thanks for the omelet, Romeo," I said as I started to eat. "It taste as good as I remembered."

"I wonder if you still do," Romeo said under his breath as he left the room.

His last comment threw me for a loop. I turned to look in the hallway exit where he last stood. I thought that the memory of the weekend we spent together had faded into Langolier land. The omelet was good, but I wasn't hungry anymore. I put the fork down and turned to head out.



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