𝟸𝟹. 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚜𝚕𝚘𝚠

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"audrey, i'm coming inside," christina said. "the baby needs my boob and i need to talk to you."

audrey sighed, quickly fixing her tear stained cheeks and standing up right as christina walked inside.

"were you crying?" tina asked, sitting down on the bed and nursing cameron. "babes, he's not worth it."

audrey sat down next to her, her eyes pointed towards a picture taken a year and a half ago when her, daniel, and the twins were at the beach.

"i miss him," she mumbled. "i don't know why, that day we fought i told him he was the biggest mistake i ever made."

"we all say things we don't mean," christina said. "yesterday i told corbyn his shoes were ugly and he almost cried. i'm basically taking care of two babies, even though he's my husband."

audrey let out a small laugh.

christina sighed. "but seriously, babes, he misses you too, okay? you both need to talk to each other."

"that's the problem, tina! everytime we try to talk we end up fighting, and we've just built whatever relationship we have now, i don't want to ruin it."

she smiled a sad smile. "i just need our 'relationship' to be stable because all i need is for the twins to be safe and happy with their mom and dad. no matter what's going on with them."

"okay then, take it slow, okay? i believe in you, and everything is going to be okay, alright? don't worry about it, just take it slow."

"does your wife not know how to control herself?" daniel hissed to corbyn, the two sitting on the couch, watching hayden play with his legos and making sure he didn't eat any of the blocks.

corbyn gave him a look. "don't talk about christina like that, and yes, she does, but she's furious. at you."

"yeah, but now she's talking to audrey, and probably telling her to just forget about me."

"don't you want that?" corbyn asked, confused. "i know you said you felt like you lost everything but i thought you were over her."

"yeah, me too," daniel said. "i told her i was over her that day we fought but i can't just forget about her."

corbyn rolled his eyes. "and let me guess, you haven't talked to her about this?"

"you haven't talked to her about this," daniel mocked, making a face. "of course i tried talking to her about it but every time we try we end up fighting. and i can't take anymore fighting, i'm tired of it."

corbyn shook his head. "you, sir, are still in love with that girl, and you refuse to admit it. go tell her you love her."

"no! corbyn, she doesn't love me anymore. the only reason i'm here is because she felt bad for me and because the twins are here."

corbyn didn't say anything, just sighed.

"hayden, no no no, don't eat that, please."

"thank you for a wonderful night," tate said to audrey. "and thank you for giving me that caterer's name, i'm so worried about the wedding."

audrey smiled. "everything's gonna be fine, tate, i was nervous too, but it'll all work out in the end, i promise."

"i wish everything worked out with you and daniel," tate said softly. "i'm sorry for everything."

"you don't need to apologize, it's been months, and it wasn't your fault, okay? you were just being careful, and i'm thankful for that."

"i'm sorry, audrey. i really am."

"tate, i promise, it's okay. now, stop worrying about me and go worry about your wedding."

tate sent audrey a grateful smile. "thank you."

audrey grinning, "get out."

the blonde smiled at daniel, who remained expressionless, and turned around, walking back to the twins.

tate sighed, jonah pulling her close to his side. "he'll come around, darling, don't worry about it."

the twins were in bed, and daniel and jonah were cleaning up,  audrey sweeping the floors as daniel wiped down all the countertops.

"why didn't you talk to tate at all, daniel?" audrey asked, her voice quiet. "she made one mistake, and it was months ago."

daniel looked at her, scoffing. "yeah, one mistake, and now look where we're at. we're alone and the only thing we have in common are those kids."

audrey didn't say anything, but picked up julia's new car, placing it in a shelf.

"sometimes, audrey, one mistake ruins everything, and in this case it ruined us."

he put the rag and cleaning solution back in the cabinets before grabbing his backpack.

"i'm leaving, goodnight and merry christmas, audrey."

she didn't say anything, just watched him walk out.

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she speaks !

1) double update hehe

2) i love you

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