1. New beginnings

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Toni's POV

  I couldn't actually believed what i just had heard. Southside High was gonna close and we would be transferred in to Riverdale High. It would be a great opportunity for most of the students but it was pretty obvious to me that the northsiders wouldn't want us there. We would be judged all the time and no one would really accept us. I decided to take all those negative thoughts of my head, maybe it would be a good thing. Meet new people, a new atmosphere. I was already convincing myself when Jughead arrived to the table I was sitting.

Jughead: I don't think this is a good idea!

Me: Why do you say that?

Jughead: I know how northsiders are. Do I need to remember you that one year ago I was at that same school. No one had actually talked to me after I moved to the Southside and people who were my friends ignore me since I've become a Serpent.

Me: People change Jones. Give them a chance. Give the southsiders a chance of a better life.

Jughead: Someone is really inspired today! Excited for the new school?

Me: Sure... Why not?! Excited to see old friends?

Jughead: Not really...

Me: Not even Betty Cooper? Your Blondie ex?

Jughead: We never dated and she is the one I'm worried about.

Me: Jones just listen to my advice, dont go with that attitude. This could actually be a good thing. See this as a new beginning.

Jughead: Ill try. We should go find Sweet Pea and Fangs, my dad just texted: Serpents business

Me: Let's go. Cant make the king wait...

..... later that day

  I said goodbye to Fangs ans Sweet Pea as I walked out of our spot, it was getting late even for a Serpent girl. Jughead and his dad had already left after 2 hours of Jughead showings us our new northsiders classmates. Sweet Pea would get angry for no reason, Fangs was only interested in knowing if people were gay and I? I freeze. I was paying attention trying hard to remember those people, their names and their faces. I didn't want to screw things up. Betty, Archie, Veronica, Kevin, Reggie, Josie, Cheryl I could remember some names, especially the last girl name. Jughead showed me a picture of Cheryl and I was amazed. She was beautiful and her red hair was gorgeous.

  I tried not to show my attraction to that girl who i didn't know and had only saw 3 photos of. I Tried to get information out of Jughead, he told me she was a bitch to everyone with no reason, told me that Jason the guy who had recently being murdered was her twin who she was super closed to. Told me about her messed up family and their business. I was shocked it was too information to retain. Maybe I should try to stay away from that girl. I didn't need a new enemie. "By the way she is super straight Toni"told me Jughead minutes before he leaved. Sweet Pea and Fangs starting mocking me and laughing, "So its pasta until it gets wet" Jughead put a disgusted expression on his face " Seriously Topaz?", he asked. Fangs just kept laughing and Sweet Pea. Well... he didn't get it. "Anyways, I'm not interested in her Jones." I said trying to convince those guys as much I was trying to convince myself.


End of the first Chapter

AN: Sorry if it is bad, its my first fanfic. If you have any advice feel free to comment. The next chapter will be more long, its just because this one is the first one. Thanks and Love :P

AN (Updated): This Fanfic was in another account but I passed to this one since it's the one I'll be using now. Thanks and Love :P

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