15. The final Chapter

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  And then she kisses me. Not one of her regular kisses, was different, was everything... Her hands hold my face as our lips touch slowly, and then I feel involved not only by her lips but by her love. We give a long and passionate kiss, and I 'm not that nervous anymore. My heart is now beating normally and when it ends, she just stays there, without taking her eyes of mine, still with her hands grabbing my face.

Me: So..so, you are not mad?

Toni: What the fuck did you just do?

Me: So you are??

  She grabs my hand and I finally can read her face. She is not mad, not at all, she is looking all cute with her sparkly eyes.

Toni: I'm not... I'm just confused. Why didn't you tell me you were going to do this?

Me: I thought you wouldn't let me, after everything that happend.

Toni: Cheryl I would be worried sick but I would understand it. I'm part of the serpents after all...

Me: I thought you would never talk to me again...

Toni: You deserve that, you kept this huge thing for me... Was that why you were being weird?

Me: Yeah Kinda of it's just that...

Toni: You know what? I understand, let's not talk about this.

Me: So are you sure you are not mad?

Toni: I'm actually happy, I know I should be all protective but you are going to kick even more asses now that you are a serpent! Is that being a bad girlfriend?

  I start giggling as I get closer to her, I give her a big kiss on the cheek and I say "It means you are the best girlfriend!"

Toni: How do you feel after the dance? How do you feel after becoming a serpent?

Me: I feel great. It was weird the dance but I'm feeling great in this jacket.

Toni: Great now you don't have to steal mine...

Me: You are my girlfriend... I could have a million of this and I would still steal yours.

Toni: Well you look hot in them so... Should we go inside? It's getting colder and you just become a serpent so...

Me: I thought this was it! What do I have to do more? Twerk in front of Hot Dog??!

Toni: God no... FP didn't told you?

Me: What?

Toni: You have to get the tattoo now, on stage.

Me: Really?

Toni: Yeah why?

Me: I thought we could go home... finish what you started it today... I mean I'm half naked.

Toni: That does feel right, but this is your family now, you can't let them down.

Me: You are right... How big is that tattoo?

Toni: Are you scared?

Me: No...

Toni: Yes you are! So cute.

Me: I'm not as badass as you, I never made a tattoo...

Toni: I can promise it won't hurt.

Me: Ok let's do it. So is any of you a professional tattoo maker?

Toni: Tattoo maker? Really?! And no.

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