2. The collapse

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Toni's POV

  When I woke up I was already late for school "Damm it" I scream while I run to the bathroom. It was gonna be my first day at Riverdale High and I was already late for school. I try my best to save my tired look and look reasonable, I can't. I didn't have that much time to spend on choosing my outfit so i just grabbed some black pants that were near by me, a simple t shirt and of course my serpent jacket. It was the first day and the serpents had agreed to enter together that northsiders school and just when I was finishing getting dressed my phone starts to ring. It was Jughead.

Jughead: Where are you? We are waiting for you.

Me: I Know... I'm late... Just give me 5 minutes and ill be there.

Jughead: You better get here in 4.

  I hang up. God I was mess, but I didn't have time now to change that. I run to my bike and I drive as fast as I can to get to the entrance where I was supposed to meet Jughead, Sweet Pea, Fangs and the others serpents. When I get there Jughead sighs of relief and we get prepared to do our entrance. I think we were exaggerating but I did it anyways.

Cheryl's POV

  Today was the day all those serpents kids were arriving at Riverdale High and I wasn't really excited for that. I already hated everyone in that dam school I didn't need more people making my life miserable, especially those serpents scum. I was closing my locker when the announcement was made and I go to the place where the whole school was concentrated, guessing the new kids would be there too. I was right. Probably fifteen kids wearing black and serpents jackets were standing listening to Veronica talking about a lot of school crap. Next to her it was Betty who couldn't stop looking at Jughead. "Oh god that hobo is back?" I think to myself. I try to pass the sea of students to look at the new students and my eyes stop as they meet the eyes of a girl with pink strands in her hair.

Toni's POV

  Me and all the serpents were tired of earing the dark haired girl talk, Veronica I think. She was super excited with our arrival, which I found great but her friend Betty looked worried. I was hopping some big drama but i was just dying of boredom when Cheryl's eyes meet mine. She was more beautiful in person wearing a provocative red outfit and her red lipstick. "Damm" I thought to myself "that girl was beautiful".

Cheryl's POV

  Thank god Archie arrived and started the drama, I didn't know why I was even starring to that new girl.

Archie: So you filthy serpents really are here? I cant believe principal Weatherbee actually let this happen.

Sweet Pea: What did you just called us? Northsider ?- he said getting closer to Archie.

Reggie: You heard him, scum. Why are you even where? I bet you cant even read.

Sweet Pea: I bet you cant even write.

Reggie: What did you just say to me? If you want to keep your faces you better shut the fuck up.

Jughead: God Reggie... Still the same cave man aren't you?

Archie: Don't you dare to talk like this to any of us. You ll regret it.

  That's when the girl with the pink strands on her hair arrived to the front. I looked around. That serpent guy, Sweet Pea, i think (it was what the southsiders were calling him) was trying to let go of Jughead and another serpent guy we were trying to stop him from punching Reggie and Archie. Reggie and Archie were standing in front of the bulldogs looking confident. Betty was shocked and Veronica looked pretty upset, probably because her boo, Archie, wasn't as happy as her about the southsiders kids. Kevin was just recording everything, looked shock with Josie, Betty and almost every student.

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