11. Hospitals, Tutors and Decisions

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Hospital, Cheryl's POV

  I just remember to hear Toni's voice saying " ill stay here holding your hand for a thousand years if I had to, just to see that beautiful smile of yours again". I couldn't open my eyes right away but I gave her a smile and I squizzed her hand. I didn't know where I was, everything was so confusing but I knew that if I was with Toni I was safe. Suddenly I hear her cry, and that's when I opened my eyes. I couldn't let her suffer.

Toni's POV

  "Queen of the buskers" I hear a familiar voice say. I wipe my tears and I look to the bed only to find Cheryl smiling, with her eyes finally open.

Me: You woke up! Oh my god! What should I do? Are you okay????

Cheryl: I'm just feeling tired don't worry... Can you explain what happend?

Me: I will, but you got to rest now.

Cheryl: You need to rest too, have you looked at yourself, you are so tired.

Me: I'm fine.

Cheryl: Toni Topaz! I'm okay now, so you better take care of yourself!

Me: God you woke up 2 minutes ago and you are already being all bossy??!

  We were interrupt by FP, who had bring me some food.

FP: Sorry to interrupt, I'm glad you woke up, I'm going to call the doctor.

Cheryl: FP?

FP: Oh I'm sorry, I was with Toni, but if you don't me to be here-

Cheryl: Thank you for being here.

  FP leaves to call the doctor.

Cheryl: Toni, please eat.

Me: I'm not hungry, how are you?

Cheryl: You have to eat.

Me: Okay i'll eat.

  So I start eating very slowly, sitting next to Cheryl. She keeps laughing at the way I'm eating. "You look like you don't eat for months" she says. "I'm sorry- I say with some food still in my mouth.- I'm not used to not eating. She starts giggling.

Cheryl: Hey? Where is my mother if she finds out I'm here she is going to kill me.

  I was about to talk when the doctor came in "Mrs Blossom, it's not the time for that kinda of talk, you should rest now." So the doctor checked if everything was ok, and said she could come home in the end of the day if she was feeling better, he then left a board with food for Cheryl and I fed her, what she was not that happy about. "I can eat all by myself" she says. "Just let me help you, you're so stubborn!" I say laughing. So I stayed there with her the whole time, and FP did too. Cheryl received visits from Betty, Jughead, Veronica, Josie, Kevin, Fangs and Sweet Pea, but they eventually went all home. The doctor was just telling us Cheryl could go home, when Sheriff Keller comes in the room.

Cheryl's POV

  I was going home... Even that hospital was better than my house and I didn't really wanted to go back there. Sheriff comes in.

Sheriff: Cheryl, I heard you woke up. I'm glad you are felling better but I got to ask you some questions.

Me: About what?

Sheriff: You don't know why you are were?

Me: The last thing I remember is my mother and a big knock on the door, and Toni kissing me.

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