4. "Take me away from here"

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4, afternoon, Pop's

Cheryl's POV

  Toni entered Pop's and stops when she sees me. For a few seconds we just stay looking at eachother, until she comes slowly in my direction.

Toni: Hey! The others aren't here yet?!

  She says as she sits in front of me with a big smile.

Me: No. Maybe I should text Veronica.

  I text Veronica while Toni makes her order, a chocolate milkshake. "Veronica where are you and Kevin?" I get a quick response "Oh we couldn't make it, we are so sorry but you girls, should enjoy your date." I couldn't believe they actually planned that. "Veronica when I find you I'm gonna kill you. I told you me and Toni are friends. And ill kill Kevin too, I bet it was his idea". I didn't received more texts, and I was looking at my phone trying to figure out what to say to Toni.

Toni: So? Are they gonna be long our what?

Me: They arent coming... They had a thing to do, I think.

Toni: I guess it's gonna be just you and me Bombshell.

Toni's POV

  I was trying hard not to look obvious but I was happy Veronica and Kevin couldn't make it. It was kinda of weird but if they couldn't make it at least me and Cheryl could have some alone time. I didn't want to ignore my happiness anymore, she was my happiness.

Me: So? Are you okay-

Cheryl: Can I tell you something?

Me: Yeah, of course.

Cheryl: Can I trust you?

Me: Cheryl. You should. Is everything okay?

  She starts crying again, but her eyes look like they dont have emotion this time, I start to get really worried about this girl. She gets up and comes sit next to me at my side of the booth. She falls into my shoulders and keeps crying. I hold her tight to me, there was not much I could say to her right now. Eventually some tears fall from eyes too, its been a while she is crying. She stops, and she doesn't move.

Me: Cheryl?

  She doesn't say a word. I grab her hand tight. She moves away from my chest where her head rests, she looks me in the eyes and then looks at my hand that still grabs hers.

Cheryl: Take me away from here.

  We both get up, I leave money to pay for our milkshakes and we leave in the direction to my bike. "Where do you wanna go?" I ask Cheryl as we get in to my bike. "Wherever you take me to" she says holding her arms around my waist. We didn't say another word to eachother until I stopped in a hill. She looks more relaxed now.


Me: Never thought I would see Cheryl Bombshell in a bike.

Cheryl: Well, that's two of us.

Me: Hey you want to talk about what's in your mind?

Cheryl: If you knew what was on my mind you wouldnt ask that... It's complicated.

Me: I know, but you got to start somewhere.

  We sit in the grass in front of eachother. I see her eyes crossing mine.

Cheryl: Everything is a mess. My life. Not just because of Jay-Jay's death. Our my dad's. I live in a hell. My mother she...

Me: She?

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