10. "Trust me!"

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Thistlehouse, Cheryl's POV

  I was being dragged home by my mother, almost by the hair and only thought of her. Why didn't she did anything and why did this happend when everything was perfect? I finally love someone and was being loved but of course my mother had to come and tear out the heart that I could not even remember I had. I was feeling so much because of Toni, but in that moment being attacked by my own mother, I couldn't feel anything at all. I start remember everything I went through with Toni while i'm being pushed to the ground, her sweet voice, while my mother screams. I almost see her, in Pop's, in the first time we met, in her house, in her bed, riding her bike, in that closet, in the shower. I almost can feel her touch her whisper, her kiss, while my mother continues to kick me and beat me with her's punishment stick. I'm tired and weak and I dont fight anymore, sitting in the floor of my room with tears on my eyes and blood on my face and body. She is calling me names but I dont feel strong enough to even care. She stops suddenly when we hear a crash coming from below. She stops and doesn't have to get of the room when people come in the room. I was to weak so I start to faint. I didn't have time to see what happend, the last memorie I had was Toni hugging me maybe It was my imagination. Trust me!" i hear her voice saying as I close my eyes.

Toni's POV

  We got to the the front of Thistlehouse 10 minutes later, when I say we I mean me and the Serpents. I couldn't bring them all, but I had there FP, Jughead, Betty, Fangs, Sweet Pea and about more 5 serpents. They come as faster as they could when i called them and I appreciated it. I never need it this much help in my whole life, Cheryl was in danger. "What's the plan?" FP asks me. "I don't know but we got to get in now!" I didn't need to say another word. The guys broke the door and get in quickly, i hear her mother screaming upstairs I start running but I'm grabbed by Jughead and Betty. FP and the guys go there and cover the passage of Penelope. Betty calls the Sheriff while I run upstairs to find Cheryl in the ground without forces with tears in her eyes and blood in her hands, her body is full of wounds. I see Penelope but I ignore her as I run to Cheryl. I hug her with all my forces.

Penelope: What do you think you are doing? You can't come in here!

FP: And you can't beat up a teenager, really Penelope? She is your daughter.

Penelope: You don't know anything! Leave my house.

Sweet Pea: Serpents never stand alone, we are not going anywhere.

Penelope: Since when is my daughter even with you? I dont need advice of parenting especially from southside scum.

Jughead: What is wrong with you?

Penelope: Leave before I call police!

Betty: Oh I already did! Sheriff is arriving anytime, so good luck to explain your daughter laying in the floor full of blood.

Penelope: Stupid girl, don't you see this people are the real criminals?! And you deviant girl, stay away from Cheryl.

  I whisper into Cheryl's ears "Keep  being strong. Trust me", I then get up coming for Penelope, FP trys to stop me but I say I'm okay so he lets me proceed.

Me: All her life this girl suffer in your hands under your physical and psychological abuse. She grew up in a house of crazy people without knowing what love was like. You are insane people, and the worst part is that Cheryl only wanted to feel loved by you. And stop with that deviant shit, I mean really?!

Penelope: She doesn't know what love is.

Me: You are wrong, even growing up with people like you she managed to be a loving person. So don't think you are going to keep hurting her, because she haves us now, the serpents, a family she never had.

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