12. Sentimental Day

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Morning, Thistlehouse, Toni's POV

  I woke up, feeling a shiver in my body and a lot of kisses on my neck. I start smiling and opening my eyes and as I see Cheryl kissing me gently all over my body I ask "What have I done to deserve to woke up in heaven?" Cheryl starts giggling and stops kissing me now that she notices that I'm already up. "Good morning beautiful! Did you sleep well?" "Again, I slept in heaven. Thank you." I answer. "Your welcome. We got to go. School." she says quickly as she gets up from the bed. "No we don't" I answer with a smile. "We can't skip classes Toni!" she tells me with a serious look on her face. "Well the doctor said you had to stay one more day at home, and you can't be alone, so I guess you are stuck with me." "I'm okay I can go to school!- she says loudly- But if that was what the doctor said then I guess I'm stuck with you." "Great" I answer giving her a hug.

Cheryl: We should eat breakfast. Do you like cereal because I can't cook.

Me: I'll eat anything but if you want I can cook to you. Why don't you know how to cook again?

Cheryl: I never had too... And you are a guest, I'm not going to let you cook.

Me: We are not going to survive just eating cereals. I'll teach you.

Cheryl: I'm used to burn houses maybe I shouldn't cook.

  I couldn't help to laugh, and then I push Cheryl by her arm as I run downstairs to the kitchen. When we get there Cheryl shows me where everything is and I start cooking. She stares at me cooking from afar.

Kitchen, Cheryl's POV

  After I showed her where everything was and she started cooking I just start looking at her. She was so cute cooking. I could never do that. After I stare at her cooking from afar, she turns around :

Toni: Are you looking at my butt?

Me: No! God No! I mean... You have a nice butt but I wasn't looking at it.

  I didn't know why I still get so nervous around her. She stops what she is doing and she comes in my direction walking slowly.

Toni: How do you know it is nice if you were not checking me out?

She asks and I can already feel my face turning red. She is giving me one of her's flirty looks and I don't have time to awnser...

Toni: It's okay... You can look.

  She says giving me a kiss in my cheek, she then proceeds to walk away slowly again, and I can't take my eyes of her. She turns around again and checks me out.

Toni: But you can't touch.

  She says while she is biting her lips. Was she flirting with me? Because it was working... At that moment the breakfast wasn't the only thing I wanted to eat. Wow. That sounds bad. She is still cooking but she eventually calls me. "Do you want to learn or what?" she asks me. I get behind her trying to watch what she was doing. But I kept getting distracted looking at her.

Toni: Cheryl? Are you even listening?

  Toni asks while she is finishing the meal.

Me: Hmm hmm... Cook... Breakfast...

Toni: Obviously you are not listening... what is so distracting?

  She then notices I'm again looking at her butt. She then tuns around laughing and now I can't stop looking at her boobs. What was wrong with me? Why was she turning me on so much?

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