7. Let's get this party started

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Veronica's house

Cheryl's POV

  When I arrived at Veronica's house everyone was already there, Veronica, Cousin Betty, Archie, Hobo, Josie, Kevin, Fangs, Reggie, Sweet Pea and Toni. It seemed a relaxed party like Veronica said it would be. I Look around, Archie Sweet Pea and Reggie are making a drinking contest. And all the others were sitting in a round talking to eachother. Everyone seemed happy and there was no more a heavy tension. I go sit with them. Toni looked beautiful. We try multiple times to get away to talk with eachother but we are always interrupt by someone and we can't really be alone. Those three guys were super drunk when they came sit with us.

Veronica: So... Since we are all friends now... we should play a game. 7 minutes in heaven... Who's in?!

  Everyone agreed enthusiastically except Toni who looked a little bit worried.

Veronica: I got a rule. I dont care if it is two boys our two girls... If you are straight our not. You are going to the closet with anyone the bottle chooses. Agree?

  Everyone agreed. Fangs and Kevin went first, then Jughead and Betty.

Veronica: Cheryl! it's your turn. Go ahead and spill the bottle.

Me: Maybe it should be someone else...

Kevin: Don't be silly... Let's see who the lucky person is.

  I look at Toni, she got a worried look in her face. Maybe I should stop playing. Everyone is saying for me to spin it and I do it. I was super worried, I just had started everything with Toni and I didnt want to be locked in a closet with some teenager boy... For my suprise the bottle stops at Toni. What are the changes? I was super happy and she had a smile in her face now too.

Kevin: Have fun girls! You got 7 minutes make it worth it!

Me: Shut up Kevin!

Reggie: Toni and Cheryl?? Hottt! Can I come to the closet too?

  Toni gives him a deadly look and we shuts up. Veronica then took us to the closet. We are there it's kinda of small, but I guess that's the point. There's light so I can see her.


Toni's POV

  I was with Cheryl inside of a closet, how ironic! We were both looking at eachother. This was a stupid game and we didn't have to do anything...

Me: You really look hot tonight.

Cheryl: Thanks I'm glad you like it because I only dressed up for you.

Me: You didn't need to, you know I prefer you with no clothes on.

Cheryl: How funny! You weren't this confident in the shower.

Me: Well I was naked... So...

Cheryl: I might have noticed that... And I was naked too, so you don't have to be ashamed.

Me: I was not ashamed... Just intimidated... Have you seen your body?

Cheryl: Thank you but you are beautiful the beautiful one.

Me: Let's agree on disagree...Should we maybe talk? Work things out?

Cheryl: Our... We could talk later and enjoy the few minutes we have left... You really got me wanting you in that shower.

  She comes slowly on my direction pushing me against the wall.

Me: Well you really are getting me wanting you right now...

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