6. Shower Meeting

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Later that day, gym, minutes before the tryouts.

Toni's POV

  I looked ridiculous in that cheeerleading outfit but I was kinda of enjoying it to be honest. I had like 5 minutes before I had to dance and I was super nervous. Cheryl was busy with something so she didn't came talk to me what was a relief. I notice Veronica and Kevin calling me and I go sit next to them.

Kevin: So... nervous?

Me: Yes. I'm going to embarrass myself just because Cheryl asked me too.

Veronica: Talking about Cheryl... I heard she stayed at your house. Are you guys a thing?

Me: She stayed at my house because it was late. And we are not a thing...

Kevin: Do you like someone else?

Me: Not really. I just don't think she likes me that way.

Kevin: Would you like that she liked you that way?

Me: Maybe... I don't know. It's just.

Veronica: You are in a safe place. Tell us please!!

Me: I don't want to rush things you know? Don't want to ruin this friendship. I like her a lot but maybe we should just stay separated...

Kevin: God she said the sam-

Veronica: Shut up Kevin...

Me: What?

Kevin: Nothing... Maybe you should talk to her... She is pretty sad that you are ignoring her.

Me: I didn't knew... Ill talk to her after the practice. I got to go now...

Veronica: By the way, tonight there's a small party in my house. Sweet Pea and Fangs are coming, I hope you be there.

Me: I don't really like party's.

Veronica: I don't take a no for an answer and it's gonna be a small one. Don't worry.

Me: Okay...

Kevin: Slay girl!!

  I go join the other girls who were trying out for the team, Kevin and Veronica are still talking.


Kevin: I can't believe they like eachother and are afraid of taking a step...

Veronica: I know right?! But I know what we got to do. Tonight at the party.

Kevin: What is the plan?

Cheryl: Veronica! Come here we want to start the tryouts!!

Veronica: Coming!!!


Cheryl's POV

  I was waiting for Veronica to start the tryouts so I decide to go talk with Toni. She looked really cute in the cheerleading outfit but still, i liked to see her wearing fish nets and a leather jacket.

Me: Hey? Are you nervous?

Toni: Of course! I can't believe I agree to do this.

Me: I swear you are going to kill it. Let's do this. If you kill it Ill give you a milkshake as a reward and if you don't ill give you two. Either way, you win.

Toni: Maybe I want to suck now because you'll give me too.

Me: You couldn't possibly suck.

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