part one

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"Maybe if you move those lights a little more to the right, the right! Ross my fucking right!" I sighed when I noticed we were not going to get anything done.

I looked down at my clipboard and tapped my pen against it. The stage for the sweetener tour was being set up, but my friend Ross could not seem to use his head tonight.

"Y/n how long do you think this is going to take?" I looked up to see Scooter looking at me a bit irritated but guess what I was more.

"I don't know Scooter; I'll call you when it's done why?" He heard him sigh when I wrote something down on my clipboard.

"Ariana is here and she was hoping to see it done"

"Well, I'm sorry but it isn't because half of the staff is god knows where, she can still come by and check it out, but it still needs work." I looked at him and he nodded his head and rushed to get Ariana, I believe.

This is my first time working full time on a tour. I just graduated from college, and I was able to find this job because of some connections I made through college.

"Ross, you got that light where I want it?" I turned back around and looked up to see he finally used his head.

"Alright you can come back down!" I yelled and looked back down to see we still had work to do and had to hurry concert was tomorrow night.

"So where is it?" I heard a female's voice nearby, so I turned around to meet the artist herself.

"Right in front of you but it isn't quite finished yet." I stated obviously and she just nodded her head as she started to walk by.

"It's going to be done by tonight, right?"

"that's the plan." I said and started to walk away and make my way backstage.

When I turned the corner, I found Ross looking down at his hands.

"Ross, what are you doing?"

"You know you could be a bit nicer to Ariana." Looking at him i tilted my head, what does he mean?


"The girl asked you something and you were so blunt."

"No, the girl asked me something and I gave her an answer, what else should I do get down at my knees and kiss her toes?" I kept walking to make sure everyone was getting their work done.

"Y/n? Is that your name?" Turning around, I met with the small brown-haired person again and I stopped what I was doing and nodded my head.

"It is what can i do for you?"

"I wanted to run some things by you if you don't mind?" I looked at her for a second and nodded my head. She began to lead the way and I just followed her.

"The set-up is looking great, just when it's all done do you mind going through the whole concert with me? Like the run through of lights to see if I want to change anything at all? I just want this to be perfect."

Looking down at the brunette while she talked, I really debated it in my head. Stay and help her perfect the show or go to the hotel to a warm bed? I mean this is still part of my job right and she is my boss.

"No for sure I'll stay with you I'll let you know when we're done setting up so you can stay." She smiled at me and nodded as she went along her way.

I turned back around and walked back to my crew.

"Okay guys let us work a little faster we need this all done pronto. I promise I'll hire more people for this."

I heard everyone gladly thank me and i saw how much more effort they were making to set it all up and just get it done so they could all go home.

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