part eleven

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Y/ns Ep
1. There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back 2. Adore You 3. Since We're Alone 4. Ruin 5.Everywhere 6. Can I be Him  7. Thinkin bout you 8. Treat You Better 9. Never Be Alone 10. Mercy 11. When You're Ready

Y/n pov

The night I released 'Treat You Better' & 'Mercy' I was so anxious, nervous, but excited. I was with my family in the living room and the second the songs came out I felt a wave of relief just because they were into the world.

People were tweeting at me messaging me and I didn't know how to take it all. I got a message from Ariana that night, - wait I think i still have the message

ariana 💌 11:18 pm: soo proud of you ❣️ I can't wait for you to grow in to such an amazing artist, i miss you so much 💌☁️

I did respond and we kept in touch for a bit but as soon as I announced that i had an ep coming and it was mostly all about her and the track list was out, I knew that in a way the names of the songs were just too obvious.

To the point where I would get questions about her in radio interviews, i mean the whole ep is about her. It was just so obvious and i didn't want to start any unnecessary drama so i told them it was about a relationship from back home.

To which it was not all that much of a lie, i did have someone back home years back when i was in college I was so in love, but they didn't feel the same.

People were also very surprised to how many songs the ep had, and I was going to put like 8 out but I felt like why not just put it all out there. I had written way more and these were my favorite that were always stuck in my head.

I can't say I have a favorite because honestly, I love them all but my favorite one to perform 'everywhere' but i do have a favorite and i just will not admit it. It changes depending on how i feel that night I am performing.

When it comes to why I stopped talking to Ariana is because I knew the more, I kept talking to her the more I would fall for her. I mean we were texting nonstop, calling each other, facetiming the whole thing and I was getting so attached.

I knew it was wrong because she had Pete at the time and she was going to get married to him and I couldn't do that I couldn't fall for someone who was engaged, I tried to forget about her I started by taking a few hours to respond, and that turn into days and then it turned into months.

After a few months I felt bad, but I still tried to be supportive but just in a way i would not have actual contact with her. Ross would tell me that Court would tell him how much Ariana missed me. I didn't like hearing that just because some nights i would get so tempted to text her and ask how she is doing.

Once Ariana and Pete broke off the engagement, Ross told me to ask her out or at least get back in contact with her but i refused.

I didn't want to be a rebound or have her compare my love to his. I knew that if I wanted this right I would just have to wait until one day we crossed paths and if something were to happen it would happen naturally.

Not because we forced it or suspected it and today was that day. I had no idea she was going to come today it didn't cross my mind, i honestly thought she would be with her family.

I didn't even know Courtney was coming. I thought Ross was going to surprise her, he probably kept it from me and i did not mind because this was a surprise to her and me.

It was unexpected and maybe it was supposed to happen. The second i saw her i tried to move my eyes away from her but i couldn't i really couldn't. She was too beautiful, she was a sight to look at, the second i saw her it washed over to me how much i missed her.

There are some nights where there was too much pressure and just wished I could go back to when i was touring with her.

Maybe I have a chance to make a change or to even just make a great friendship blossom again.

"Y/n?" Looking up from my guitar i saw Ross coming over to me with a big grin on his face.

"Ahh I'm so excited for you to perform and blow all of them away dude ugh you're going to fucking kill it!"

Slowly putting my guitar down i looked up at him and put my hand out to try to calm him down a bit.


"Well Courtney and Ariana are coming, and they've never seen you perform. How do you think Ariana feels after not seeing you for so long?" I sighed and shook my head honestly not knowing how she felt.

I got up from the couch and walked over to my dressing rack and looked at the outfit i was wearing tonight.

"Did you really have to cut the sleeves off a $400 dollar shirt?"

I looked up at Ross and gave him a smirk,

"It's my look okay, it has a little rock n roll to it, plus i like it a lot, it's not like i walk around in public like that" I said as i started to put on my outfit and some cologne too.

I kept going back to my guitar and trying to find the correct melody to a song i was trying to figure out, but maybe the song is not meant for me so i should worry about it later.

"When do you go on?"

"I go on after Lewis, then it's me and then Khalid, and then a couple others i think, it's a great set up though all the artists are great" I said looking up at the ceiling and nodding my head as i heard someone rehearsing.

"And this is airing on thanksgiving?"

"It should yea, giving something for the audience to be watching i guess, i don't know I'm just lucky to be here i didn't think i would even get noticed."

"Shut up, people are literally comparing you to Justin Bieber, but i think you're better honestly" Ross said putting his hand over his heart and the other hand with a finger in the air.

I rolled my eyes and threw my guitar pick at him that he surprisingly did catch on time.

"What songs are you playing?"

"Uhh we're starting off with Holding me back, then Adore you, Thinking bout you, Treat you Better, Mercy, and ending it with When you're ready." I listed it off and he nodded his head as he heard the set list.

"Honestly, you could sing the wheels on the bus and i would be happy. I love all the songs on the ep but you already know that." I chuckled and nodded my head but looked down at my hands.

"I'm starting to write my album soon; the label wants 16 songs which i think i can do but it's a lot of pressure. They don't put pressure but i put it on myself you know?" He nodded his head as he came over next to me and messed with my hair.

"I'll help you don't worry, i know we can write some bad ass music together, but i'll only do it if you give me credits."

"You know i would, I'm working on a song but it's like ugh idk i can't get it right." I said running my hands through my hair

"Show me what you got"

I picked up guitar fast and quickly started to play the little part i had thought of.

"uhh the lyrics are iffy but i have the chorus and i fucking love it, it goes..." I said as i nodded my head to the melody i had

" i can't write one song that's not about you, can't drink without thinking about youuu, ohh is it's too late to tell you that, everything means nothing if i can't have you"

Looking up at Ross, he gave me a smile and nodded his head "that's fucking sick dude, i love it i'll fucking help you with this song this is gonna reach the charts high talking about #1"

"The thing is it doesn't feel like something i'll sing you know? and it sounds like a summer song and honestly i can't wait until summer to release this."

"Fuck summer, and fuck what you think i can see you playing this in arena and the fucking crowd singing it back to you, we're going to work on this song together and it's gonna be fucking great"

"Maybe work on the swearing bud but alright fuck it"  

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