part twelve

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Arianas pov

"When he said he was having a small concert he didn't really mean small this is a whole arena" I said as Courtney and me were settled into our seats. I looked around the arena and saw how people were filling it up.

I looked back down at my lanyard and played around with it anxious to just see Y/n perform. I hadn't seen him in a while, and this would be the first time i would see him perform with a crowd.

"Ross tells me Y/n gets so nervous before every show, he always calls his family for a few minutes and then he tries to get pumped up with throwbacks" Courtney said as she let out a small laugh at the end i couldn't help but smile at the thought of his tall ass jumping around in his dressing room rocking out to 'Hey there Delilah'

"Ross and him have been working on music together a lot, they both sing different styles but somehow they make it work"

"You think they'll ever going to come out with a song together?" I asked as i looked over at her and she just bit her lip and smiled, i could tell she was deeply in love with Ross. I have never seen her into someone this much, ever.

"They're probably going to perform tonight, that's why I'm so excited, Ross couldn't keep his excitement down when Y/n asked him to come on stage with him for a song"

"I still remember the first night out we all had, how Ross rushed up to the Dj and requested their song. He was so hyped about it and Y/n was so shy and almost embarrassed to have all the attention on them"

"Oh, i know, but Ross was made for that he danced like no one was watching" I couldn't help but chuckle and agree to what she said and as i looked around I noticed how the lights started to dim down.

"When does he play?"

"Ross told me he goes after Lewis Capaldi, you know the one with the song" Rolling my eyes i looked over at her with a 'really ?' face and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Court you dumb ass they all have a song, but i know which one you're talking about." I stated as i looked up as a guitar started to play and three figures started to pop up.

"Why wasn't I asked to be in this I'm kinda jealous now" I mumbled out as the whole crowd went crazy for the Jonas brothers

"that's karma for calling me a dumb ass"


"I think hes coming on" I told Courtney as I linked our arms together and saw how the lights went down and an electric guitar started to play. I instantly smiled as I could see a tall figure start making his way up the stage with his guitar on his back.

"Who else would it be? Look there is my baby playing guitar!" She started to jump with excitement at the sight of her boyfriend and i couldn't keep my smile at ease at any second as he came up to the microphone and started to sing.

As 'There's nothing holding me back' started to play Court and I started to jump to the beat waving our little lights, I kept looking at the big screen where he was being shown and he honestly couldn't stop smiling the whole performance.

"Hes so cute stop I can't" I said starting to feel my cheeks heat up as he switched out, he took off his guitar and stood close to the mic getting ready for the next song.

"How are y'all feeling?" He asked as the whole arena erupted with cheers and all he did was throw his head back and give a thumbs up.

As the new song started, he took off the mic and started to walk closer to the crowd and held their hands. I looked around and saw how much people loved him and payed close attention to him, singing back his lyrics loud, and dancing around.

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