part fifteen

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Ariana's pov

"So you both admitted to having feelings for each other and didn't do anything about it ?"

"Yeah that's exactly what happened" I mumbled looking over my shoulder to look at Victoria.

"You both are ridiculous, you like him. He likes you. Why don't you both do something about it"

"I was going to say something, but then he started to mention Kendall so I kinda got a little discouraged" I went to go out my things away into the drawers and looked over back at my phone when I heard a notification go off.

"Kendall ? Like Kendall Jenner ? They have something going on ?"

"I have no idea but months ago they were seen together plenty of times. He brought her up, she likes all his pics. Something definitely had to had happen"

"So you kept tabs on him ?" I rolled my eyes and sat back down in front of the mirror sizing my make up.

"I didn't keep tabs on him, i just was aware of what he was doing ? Look all I know is he brought Kendall up out of the blue they could be a thing or had a thing going on"

"Does that bother you or ? I don't know what you want me to say. If they have a thing going that's probably why he isn't making a move. If they had a thing going on then maybe he just brought her up for the fucks of it ?"

"You think she'll show up tonight ?"

"If she shows up tonight they definitely are fucking"

"stop saying that do you want me to die alone ?"

"why don't you just claim your man ?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"It's not as simple as it seems"

"Guess who the fuck just walked in" Victoria semi yelled into my ear as i turned my head to the entrance to see Kendall walk in with her small group of friends.

I turned back to look at Victoria and she gave me a small smile and led me to a spot where Courtney and Ross were.

I haven't been here long, I still haven't seen Y/n. And the person I didn't want to see at all tonight just walked through the door.

"Where's Y/n ?" I walked over and asked Ross and he leaned ver to my side and pointed up towards the DJ.

I looked up to the front and saw him with a bottle of champagne popping it open as there was a small crowd around him taking pictures.

I smiled lightly seeing as he himself had a huge grin on his face.

"You should go say hi, make yourself known" Ross whispered and pushed his hand out wanting me to get up.

I decided to, and made my way up the stairs to the top. Trying my best to not make myself too known to not be stopped .

Once I reached the top I walked over towards Y/n and made myself known, by tapping his shoulder.

He turned around and looked down at me with a big grin on his face.

"Oh you made it! I was waiting for you to pop this champagne but I got too eager." He chuckled and brought me in for a hug. I raised myself on my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"It's okay, we can pop more champagne later"

"I've missed you, it's been too long"

"You're the one that's been crazy busy" I said pulling away from him. I took the moment to admire him, how his cheeks were a tint of red and his eyes were a bit glossy, all due to the alcohol.

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