part thirteen

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"I don't know i think you should just tell her"

"I don't think she'll even care though, i don't think i even care at this point." I rolled over on the bed and faced the ceiling.

"Well, you seemed pretty handsy with her at the airport and yesterday, there is tension whenever you two are around, anyone can see that" I raised my head to look over at him seeing him just shrug.

"I know she hates that I ghosted her, but I had to get over her somehow, it doesn't even matter though"

"It doesn't because that girl is everywhere man, billboard, magazines, twitter, you can't run away from her. She really lives in your head rent free huh?" I shook my head and sighed grabbing my phone seeing that I had a few missed calls.

"I don't know I just feel like we're both in good points of our careers, I'm touring and she's making music again, I don't want to have issues or start the talking stage with someone again just to get rejected all over again you know?"

"The fact that you think that is just insane, but okay do what you think makes you happy. I just want you to really pay attention to what you want. Because that girl can have anyone, and you know how quick she is to forget someone and on to whoever can keep her attention next" I looked at him for a second and got up from my bed and walked over to my suitcase to take out the clothes I'll be wearing for tonight.

"don't you think I know that? but I know that I really can't handle another pointless stage just to end up strangers."


"No but she didn't even want to give me a chance!"

I looked over at Ross and Courtney who were asked to share the story on how they met. I leaned back on the couch and smiled at their interactions. I looked around to see mostly all of Arianas family, some close friends from tour, but yet I have not seen her since I got here which was 40 minutes ago.

"And Y/n you were touring with my daughter too, right?" I looked back up to the woman who asked me the question. I smiled and nodded. "Yes, I was, lead technician and Ross was my right-hand man."

A smile grew on her face and the room grew quiet after I responded.

"And now he's topping the charts and Americas new heartthrob" I heard Courtney say and I just told her to be quite as I took a swig from my drink.

"With a face like that I wouldn't be surprised" I heard Arianas grandmother say from across from me and I just started to feel my cheeks heat up.

"Have you seen Ariana anywhere?" I whispered over to Courtney, and she turned to me and leaned over "yea she's running a bit late she had to run some errands" I nodded my head and leaned back on the couch.

"Y/n do you mind playing something of yours for us?" I quickly looked up to see Joan already next to a big white piano waiting for me to approach her.

I looked around and let out a nervous chuckle, while wiping my clammy hands on my black jeans as I slowly stood up and approached her.


"Something lovely"

I bit my lip and took a seat in front of the piano and played with the keys for a second.

"Okay I'm here, I'm here" I turned over to the hallway to see Ariana with dishes covering her whole upper body, I stood up and walked over to help her out.

"Let me help you really quick" I simply said taking the dishes from her and walking over to the kitchen counter and placing them down carefully.

"Ariana! Y/n was about to play a song for us" we both turned to her mom, and I felt her small hand on my arm making me turn back down to her.

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