part four

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Ariana's pov

"I'm telling you he plays like he's meant for this. You must give him a shot"

"Ariana listening to him yes he's amazing, but there's no way in hell I'm going to sign him." I sighed and looked at Scooter as he signed some documents on the couch across from me.

"Why not?"

"Because people will start comparing him to Justin, we don't need that especially if they find out I'm the one that signed him that's like backstabbing Justin."

"Justin hasn't even released music in so fucking long. The world needs someone like Y/n." I stated firmly but that did not seem to sit well with Scooter. Since he just got up from his seat and looked at me for a quick second.

"Justin is the king of pop Ariana, everyone knows that you know that y/n knows that. Why do you think he is a technician and not performing on that stage huh?"

Just like that he walked away and the second he did I wanted to throw something, how could he be so rude and cruel to someone. He is always so nice to everyone but the second I bring Y/n, he gets mad.

And I am not stupid I know he thinks Y/n will be big competition against Justin.

Why am I even trying to help Y/n when they said being backstage is his dream?

But he has so much potential.

He could really take over the world with his big smile, long curls, and guitar skills.

He could move mountains
"Pete, come on let's go I want some coffee really quick." I whined as i looked up at him, he just looked down and smiled.

"Okay okay baby where do you want to go?" He said as he held onto my waist and brought me in closer.

"There's a nice coffee shop down the street, can we go?" I said as we started walking hand in hand out of the hotel room.

"Of course, let's go, I'm only going to be here for a little anyway." I stopped walking and turned around to face him.

"What do you mean you're only going to be here for a little?" I asked as i raised my eyebrows and he just looked up and scratched the back of his head.

"I-uhh gotta finish those sketches baby I told you." He said as he rubbed his hands together, he was starting to get busier, and I get it I mean I am touring the world.

"Oh, okay when are you leaving?" I asked since I had a free day and another concert tomorrow night. I wanted to go out to dinner or something later.

"I'm leaving today at like 4, so we'll spend the whole morning together okay baby?" I wanted to be mad but at the same time I did not want to start an argument so early in the morning.

So, I just nodded my head and continued walking out of the hotel we were staying at.

As soon as we walked out there were a lot of paparazzi, there was none yesterday so how did they know I was staying here?

"Ariana, how was your breakfast yesterday morning?"

"A good group date yesterday?"

"Hey Pete, what's up man?"

"Nice show last night you killed it, Ariana!"

I did not pay attention to them and just kept walking towards the coffee shop. Pete seemed to not care about them since he kept talking to them and i had to keep pulling him ahead.

I kept my head down as we walked inside the coffee shop.

"Pretty nice guys huh?" Pete said as he kept turning around to give them a wave. I ignored him and just walked off to the register.

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