part two

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Passing by backstage I felt the adrenaline starting to go through my body. An hour before the first show started and we were all starting to feel nervous.

I went to my section, grabbed my headset, and put it on and grabbed my control belt and wrapped it around my waist. I fixed the mic and made sure everything felt right.

Turning to my left I saw Ross helping some of the dancers put their ear ins on, i made sure he had it for a moment and grabbed a specific pair of ear ins and control box and walked over to Ariana who was talking to who I believed was her mom and brother.

"Hey, do you mind if I put these on you?" She turned to look at me and gave me a small smile and a small nod. I did not pay attention to what she was talking to them about, but they all seemed extremely excited for tonight.

She had her outfit ready, and it was a cute two piece, she was ready. Make up done, hair done, she was definitely going to kill this tour.

"You need help?" Looking up to meet her eyes I just gave her the ends so she could put them in her ears and fixed the box and placed it on her outfit so she could reach it if she needed to.

"Am I going to see you out during the concert?" I heard her and at this point it was just her and me at the corner backstage.

I lightly cleared my throat and straightened up as I fixed her ear ins for her.

"Maybe, I'll probably go to the control center to check up on Ross." I said while keeping eye contact with her, she nodded her head as she looked around.

"You look good, I know you'll kill it out there." I smiled at her and that seemed to comfort her since she sent me a warm smile back.

"I'll talk to you if anything goes wrong through your ear ins, but only will if there's something wrong. I will let you know when it is ready to go up etc." She kept nodding as she kept a small smile on her face.

"Y/n ?!" I turned around to see Ross rushing towards us with a control box. I sighed and turned to Ariana and gave her a tight smile as I held her two hands and gave them a squeeze.

"I'll see you in a while."

I rushed over to Ross, and we walked together to my little station to fix whatever was wrong with the box.

"So, you and Ariana?" I made a face and shook my head as I unscrewed the top off to see what the problem was.

"Then what was that hand holding shit?"

"She was nervous"

"Okay I'm nervous I don't see you kissing my ass" I shoved him pushing him out of my ear. His annoying ass was always around but he was like a brother to me.

Ross and I met in college. We were roommates, and we majored in the same things. We spent every day together, that was until the holidays came and we both left to spend it with our families, but it was an experience for the both of us, he became like a brother to me.

"So, since we're staying at a hotel today everyone wants to go celebrate afterwards." Ross said as he sat next to me and watched what I was doing.

"We went out yesterday, what do they want to do today?"

"Bowling you down?" I was actually surprised this time, dancing and clubs was not something I was super interested in but bowling I could do that.

"Yea I'm down, let's just get this shit fixed and run through the control system one more time."

"You got it boss"
"DOES EVERYONE HAVE THEIR EAR INS ON?" Ross yelled beside me, and I just smacked his stomach, he was about to blow off my ear.

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