part six

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Ariana's pov

"You don't even know when i tell you he's charming and good looking and so so caring i'm even not lying." I walked over to Victoria and layed my head on her lap. She started to caresses my hair and i just closed my eyes remembering back to our little time at the diner.

"Oh honey i knows he's good looking, I've seen that instagram profile. People are dying to see more of him. I checked his instagram he gets some good photos taken." I looked up at her and she just shrugged and took out her phone.

"Look at this picture it's just so adorable."


liked by rosslynch and 6,294 others Y/nL/n @connorbrashier view all 245 comments emmaaa never lets that guitar go rosslynch  play that thang 🥱

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liked by rosslynch and 6,294 others
Y/nL/n @connorbrashier
view all 245 comments
emmaaa never lets that guitar go
rosslynch play that thang 🥱

I smiled at the picture that is so him, now I cannot see him differently he will always be this smiley kid with a guitar on him to me.

"And he's coming in today, right? He better be recording something today" Victoria said as she turned off her phone and relaxed on the couch with me.

"Oh no I told him he better be ready to record. I texted him this morning, so he better be coming soon, it's actually the first time I texted him and I've had his number for a bit now." I shyly said and let out a small giggle as I tried to relax all the butterflies in my stomach.

"Mikey, Scottie, and Tommy better be coming soon because I can't wait on them forever either." Victoria said, getting irritated that it was just us right now.

"Are you not having a fun time with me or what?"

"Oh no baby I love you, but I want to make music so bad. I want to hear your little crush sing too." Just when I was about to answer, through the door busted in the 3 stooges we were waiting on.

"we're late we know it don't tell us shit mad traffic out there, it's like everyone and their damn momma was here." Scottie said as he came over to greet us and then the rest of the boys followed.

"Look, we're sorry but let's start making some music," Tommy said as he took a seat in front of the control system.

"We're waiting for Ariana's lover boy and friend"

"Wait Pete, is coming?" Mikey said as he looked up from his phone confused and i just giggled and shook my head.

"No, apparently Ariana has a crush on her lead technician and he's a singer well kind of he shys away from it" Victoria said as she rolled her eyes and went through her phone.

"Ahhh okay well I can start on my part for the song and maybe when I'm done, he's already here how about that?" Mikey asked and we all nodded to which he gave us a thumbs up and went inside the booth.

"So, what kind of music does he do?" Scottie said as he sat next to me.

"He's a very acoustic type almost like an ed Sheeran" I guessed and that left a surprise face on both Scottie and Tommy once those words left my mouth.

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