part five

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"Oh, honey I'm so proud of you, are you going to take it?" I smiled from the end of the phone and just shrugged. I was in my hotel room this morning calling my mom and checking in quickly.

I was supposed to call her last night, but I knocked her out by accident.

"I don't know mom I really like being here helping out. Also did you get the money i sent you?" I asked as she nodded and gave me a small smile.

"Thank you baby you didn't have to; you're doing so much to help me out i couldn't thank you enough." I saw how emotional she was getting so I tried to cheer her up.

"If I take the offer, I'll move you out of there and buy you a brand-new house. You would not have to work anymore. I guess that's also one of the main reasons I'm really considering taking the offer." I said simply as I played with my necklace.

"No, if you take that offer it's for your music to be played in arenas, to all those people who want to hear you and see you. Y/n/n you have a gift just like your father did. You can change the world; I want you to do whatever makes you happy."

"But I love being here with everyone"

"Is it everyone you love being around or the singer you're working for." I rolled my eyes at my mom's comment and shook my head, she kept insisting for me to try to take Ariana on a date, but she cannot get it through her head that one she has taken and two ways out of league.

"Mom, she has a boyfriend, I'm not about to try and wreck a good relationship."

"I looked at pictures of the both of you together and you looked so precious together especially because she's so small." My mom has only seen me with one person in my little time on this earth.

So, she gets excited when she thinks I have my eyes on someone.

"All I'm saying baby is think about that offer, you're meant for this I know you are."

"Okay I'll talk to you later momma I have to go we have a show today. I love you, say hi to gemma for me please." I said as I waved goodbye and walked over to my suitcase.

I got the first thing I saw which was an open collar polo and put it on. I had just taken a shower to get ready for the day.

Ross left early to talk to Courtney, I really think they are getting along.

After being with Ariana last night I can barely keep my cool without freaking out, I get so nervous around her I try to calm myself down at the mist of talking to her.

I walked to the mirror, fixed my hair, and put some products in it as well as cologne and deodorant.

Walking out with my phone and wallet in hand I walked out to the van out front to get ready to leave, but when I got in, I noticed it was not my crew's van because Ariana was in here with her mom and brother.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I thought this was my crew's van." I said shyly and started to turn around and get out, but Ariana's voice stopped me.

"You can ride with us come on don't be shy we're going a bit earlier to just chill anyway." She said giving me a bright smile and well how could I say no.

I nodded my head and walked over to her but not without greeting her mother and brother.

"Nice to meet you Frankie, and Ms. Grande" I said as I pulled them in for a hug.

"Call me Joan please, you're a handsome young man very very stylish." I thanked her as I sat down next to her daughter.

"Thank you, you're very beautiful yourself too."

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