part seven

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"It's so great to finally meet you Y/n" I nodded my head and shook his hand as we both took a seat in front of each other.

"No, it's a pleasure to meet you Andrew we've been talking nonstop it's about time we meet up I'm glad you could make it"

"Oh, come on you know I've been wanting to meet up and well I'm not gonna pass it down." I smiled at him and nodded my head, i was having a meeting with my potential future manager, someone who could change my world.

"Look I don't want to take a lot of your time, so I'm going to be straightforward with you."

"I want to sign you, you have the potential to be great, and if I don't sign you, I'm going to kick myself every day for it"

"I just don't know how these things work; I've never released music how am I going to get known." I was very curious how this career could take off. Did I really want this? And leave all my friends from tour.

"Look don't worry about that once I get you signed to a label, you and I will work from there, I'll get your name out there" He seemed so determined to do this, he seemed right for the job, and who was I to doubt it. Well, I could because I would be his first client.

"I mean you're already somewhat known, but mostly in Ariana's fandom as the technician guy but look, you have so much potential and i don't want you to pass on this offer and be stuck on the 'what if' you know? A lot of people dream of having this opportunity."

"If I do this, I want terms, I'm going to be who I want, put out the music that i want, I'm doing this to better myself, to help my family, and to help people through my music."

"That's all I'm asking from you Y/n is to be true to yourself, if you come into this as a different person you won't make it because you'll be exhausted of trying to be someone you aren't. I will stick by your side all the time,"

I guess I am really doing this, and after saying all that there is no holding back.

"So, when do we do this?" Looking at Andrew and seeing his face light up he just didn't say anything for a couple seconds.

"Andrew ?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, okay since we're still in New York, how about we go sing right now and you can perform a song to them, yea?" I just nodded my head. At this point I was just trying to go back to the hotel and try to find Ross to let him know the news.

"Okay fuck all right let's go"
"Y/n Y/l/n a pleasure to meet you, I've heard some of your demos and i think you're a powerful addition to this record label"

I smiled as I leaned a bit back in my chair and nodded my head looking at the president of the record label.

"Darcus, I appreciate you for signing me, you won't be disappointed I promise you, so when do we start?" I asked and he just brought down the calendar from his side and looked through it.

"I would like to say as soon as possible, but we do need to give you exposure, but I think your music will speak for itself." I nodded my head waiting for him to keep going.

"And you work for Ariana Grande, correct?" He asked and I just agreed, and he nodded looking around and then back at me.

"Let's wait a couple days, let Ariana know you're leaving, so you can stay here in New York for a couple days get some music in and we'll release some soon."

"For the most part we'll post and tweet that we have a new artist signed so on your next day off we need you in for a photoshoot sounds good?"

"Sounds good to me, where do I sign?"
"No fucking way you, did it?? You fucking did it huh?" Ross seemed more excited than I was after I told him I signed to Island Records.

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