part nine

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"Man fuck him, brother acts like he a king now that he got engaged i say they are splitting soon." Ross said as he looked at me from his seat.

I just shrugged my shoulders and kept strumming on the guitar.

"I don't know if she sends mixed signals you know. Like one moment she is being cute and adorable with me like if we were talking like that and the next, she is like 'Pete's amazing that's my everything' it's just annoying." I simply said thinking back to the many times she friend zoned me.

We were in the studio before the show tonight and i had a couple of songs i wanted to record just to have something done before the press and everything come into play.

"I don't know but all i know is we're going to make a great song out of this situation so get in the booth."

I walked inside of the booth and put on my headphones

I started to hear the guitar come in and i couldn't help but feel a little crushed.

"I won't lie to you; I know he's just not right for you. And you can tell me if I am off
But I see it on your face when you say that he is the one that you want..."
"That song man, that song is going to be a hit just watch" Ross was jumping around me as we made it in the arena and i couldn't help but feel great about what we just finished.

"What amazes me is that it took you 15 minutes to write now that's fucking magic." I shook my head, not being able to believe it either. We really made a great song for someone who is heartbroken, but in this situation, it is me.

"I know I need to send it to the label to get it approved i want that and 'mercy' to be my lead two singles." I said walking to our tech crew who was already getting everything adjusted backstage.

I walked to them and gave them all hugs and walked over to my section.

"Has Ariana already done sound check?" I asked as I put on my headset and started moving and adjusting the sounds on the panel.

"I have and I would've appreciated it if you were there"

Turning around I saw the smaller brunette with her hands on her hips as she gave me a certain look. Okay she didn't look so happy about me not being here.

"I'm sorry I was at the studio, I'm here now." I said as i leaned back on the panel and looked down at her. She walked over to me and grabbed my hand and started to lead me into her dressing room.

She closed the door and walked over to me.

"You can't just be late like that Y/n, you have to set an example to your crew"

"Ariana I'm leaving tonight I don't think it's too much of a big deal" I simply said as i crossed my arms and her angered face softened and she just didn't say anything for a second.

"I thought you were leaving tomorrow?"

"Last minute changes, i have to go get things done I really can't stay another day." She just nodded her head and turned around to take a seat.

"I wish you would've told me Y/n, I really do"

"Ariana you act like we won't see each other ever again." I gave her a weak smile and walked over to sit next to her.

I looked down at the ring on her finger and looked back at her.

"I hope you'll invite me to your wedding you know..." She gently pushed me as she let out a small laugh. I couldn't help but smile too.

"Shut up, but i hope i do see you, up on stage and accepting awards. I want to see you do all that"

I smiled and for a second genuinely did appreciate what she said to me, but i couldn't help but think back to her fiancé and how she really is going to get married.

"Don't go breaking hearts too fast" she said and i stood up and walked away from her.

"Can't really break hearts when mine is already broken can I?" I said as i got water from her little fridge and drank it a bit.

"Who broke it?"

"i don't think you should take it literally, I have to go out there and help my crew, i'll catch you later" I said and walked out her dressing room and ended up bumping into her fiancé.

"Come on man watch where you're going" I looked at him dead in the eyes and said 'my bad' as i turned and walked away.

"I wasn't asking for your attitude" I heard him say behind me but i kept walking i was not about to get in an argument with him. It was not worth it.

"let's just get this show over with"

"Everyone huddle up! "Ariana's brother Frankie yelled as he tried to get her everyone in the circle, again i ended up next to Ross and Courtney. I never really minded because i always was across from Ariana but this time she had her fiancé next to her.

"Let's have a great show, it's Y/n's last show with us before he literally skyrockets and plays places like this." Frankie said before letting Ariana speak and she just smiled and rolled her eyes.

As he spoke everyone kept looking at me nodding their heads to what Frankie was saying. I couldn't help but get a little emotional.

"I just want to say, we're all family and you're always welcomed back with open arms Y/n, we're going to miss you and we all wish you nothing but success." Ariana said as she sent me a warm smile and i couldn't help but say thank you and smile at her back.

Everything seemed so surreal and i really couldn't help but tear up a bit. I didn't think i would get this much love from everyone.

After our little ritual i met Ariana by the stairs.

She kept looking at me as i helped her with her in ears. I shook my head as I handed her the microphone.

"I'm going to miss you"

"I'm going to miss you too" I said as i gave her a little fist pump and before she left, she gave me the tightest hug.

"Come on you have a show to put on."

I put my headset on and watched as she walked up the steps.

"Go for raindrops"

"Man, I'm going to miss you, i can't wait until you drop that single." Ross said as he handed me my suitcase over and i couldn't help but nod and bring him in for a hug.

"I'm going to miss you; I'm going to fly you out soon when you can so we can work on music"

As i looked around we were in front of our hotel, it was after the concert and well we were both tired.

It was getting late as i looked down at my watch i saw that if i stayed longer i would miss my flight.

So, i decided on saying an actual goodbye to Ross and turned to get in the car that was waiting to take me to the airport.

"Y/n wait!"

I turned around and saw the small brunette running towards me. I looked over at Ross and saw him give me a nod as he walked off and gave me one last wave.

I got out of the car and stood looking down at Ariana.

"No goodbye?"

"It's not a goodbye Ariana i'll see you soon i promise"

She bit her lip and nodded as her arms went around my waist. I leaned down to hug her and held her right for a few seconds.

"Make yourself proud Y/n, do it from the heart and don't ever be someone you're not."

"I wouldn't do this if i wasn't all in it Ariana, I'll see you soon okay? I'm going to miss my flight." I said as I held her in tight one last time.

"Text me when you land okay?"

I nodded my head and got in the car.

"As the car started to move i saw her waving at me from the window. I couldn't help but smile and send her a wave back.

"She's an actual angel"  

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