Chapter 14

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"Jaden we gotta go now" I say to him. We walked out of the dressing room and I payed for a few things Jaden offered but I didn't want him to. Dixie looked at me and looked at my neck right away. She ran up to me. "Girl got some action in the dressing room" Dixie said smirking at me. I laughed at her and we talked some before everyone reunited at Chick fil a. Everyone was hungry but I don't like chick fil a and j wasn't that hungry so i just got a drink. After everyone got there food i set at a table with Jaden,Dixie, and Taylor. "So what are you two gonna do about that" Taylor said pointing to my neck. I looked down in embarrassment. "I remember what happened last time i came home with a hickey" I said. "That wasn't good" Dixie said. "And it was a dare" I said. "What did he do" Jaden said. "Well first he found the guy that did it had a whole 2 hour talk with him then uh he had a talk with me then he wouldn't let me go out of the house without him or Jackson for 2 weeks" I explained. "Dang u better do something about that" Taylor said. "Im a professional hickey hider" Dixie said. "I should know" I responded. We both laughed as the boys looked at us confused. "Lets go to sephora" I said. "Jaden u gotta go to i got to match a foundation to your neck" I said. "Taylor can come too" I said. Me and Dixie got up as the boys followed us talking about whatever. We got in there found some concealer and some foundation. Jaden bought it even though I didn't want him to. He insisted since he said it was him who gave them. He was right but. The ones on my neck was wayy darker then the ones on his. Dixie set me and Jaden down on a bench. She got to work on my hickeys first since they was darker. After she finished mine she did Jadens as i ran away to the others to see if they could see it. "BRYCE" I yelled. "What" He said. "Does this look convincible" I asked pointing towards my neck. "Your good" He said. "Ok thanks" I said. I ran back over to where Jaden, Taylor, and Dixie was. "We good" I say. Dixie finished up Jaden's and then we all filmed some tik toks and shopped some more. After awhile we had to go. We got back in the car and the boys got there uber. Once back at the house Payton,Jackson, and Faith was in the living room. "Ello guys" I said. "Hey" Payton said. "Ugly butt" I said to Payton. He jumped up and chased me. After some running Payton had me Pinned. "Take it back" He said. "No" I replied. "Ashley take it back" Payton said. "Noohh" I said. "Take it back" He said. "I don't want to" I said. "Ashley stop being a dick and take it back" Payton said. "Actully I don't have a dick" I said. "YOU HAVE JADENS INSIDE-" Jackson yelled. Before he could finish Faith smacked him. "That was gross" Payton said. "He isnt wrong" Jaden said. "JADEN" I yelled. "That better not have happened come here" Payton said grabbing my hand. "It didn't it didn't" I said. Dixie looked at me with a worried look and i returned it. "Ashley did u do anything with Jaden" Payton asked me. "No" I responded. "Did u make out with him" Payton asked. I looked down. "Yes or no" He asked me. "BUT YOU HAVE MADE OUT WITH A" I exclaim. "So you did" Payton said. I slightly nodded my head. "Let me see your neck" He asked me. I was really freaking out right now. Payton wouldn't care if we had been dating longer but we have been dating a day and i sent him that text earlier. "Ok" I said tilting my neck up. He lightly rubbed at my neck. Fuck fuck fuck this isn't gonna end up well. A little bit of makeup came off. "Ashley" He said. "Hmm" I said trying to sound innocent. "Wanna tell me anything before i go get a makeup wipe" He asked. "Im sorry im sorry im sorry" I told him. "C'mon Ashley" He said as i followed him up the stairs. We went to my room and he grabbed a makeup wipe. He wiped all of Dixie's amazing work. If Jaden wouldn't have opened his mouth. "Ashley you two have been dating for ONE DAY" Payton says. "Your growing up on me but I don't wanna see you get hurt" Payton says. I hug him. After a long talk he summons Jaden upstairs and me downstairs. "Dang those are dark" Jackson says. "I know" I say. After Jackson gave me a talk as well i just went to the kitchen. Before long Jaden came down. Payton came down too. I had one empty spot next to me and Payton set there. The girls went to Charli and Dixie's room and talked and made some tik toks. Everyone was commenting about my hickeys. We all had a sleepover there and i set my alarm for 8am since i was going with Josh tomorrow morning. Right now though it was 2am when i had to meet Jaden in the living room. Sneaking out of the  girls room was easy. I went down to the living room and Jaden was down there. "Hey babe" I said flopping down onto the couch beside him. "Hey" He said. I gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Im sorry about earlier I shouldn't have said anything" Jaden says. "Its fine" I say. "What did he tell you" I ask him. "The normal including not getting you pregnant" He says and i lightly giggle. I suddenly kiss him. He kisses back. I straddle him and continue kissing him.

(i deleted the unholy part haha bitchess)

Time skip-

"That was great" I say. He nods his head as i fall into his chest. I fall asleep.


Edit— i deleted the smut. I may re write it one day.


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