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"Do you really have to go? "

A looming figure kneel down to my small height. Her warm hand patted my hair as a small smile was visible to her usual stoic face.

"It's just a mission sweetie. You'll be fine. They will look after you while I'm gone."

"Bye, Mommy."

And with that, she left. I stood there, tears flowing down from my e/c eyes as I hugged my favorite stuffed toy in one arm while I waved my arm, sending a farewell to my mother...

"Don't worry, Young (Y/n). We'll take care of you until your Mother gets back."


"Hi. My name's (Y/n) (L/n)." 4 year old me introduced myself as the other kids look at me.

"Do you have a quirk?" one of the caretakers asked me as the class was looking at me.

"... Yes... But I prefer not using it..."

Ever since that sentence, I was assumed to be quirkless. But I rarely cared. Many accused me of being quirkless because of my refusal to show my quirk. Many belittle me for lying. Many bullied me for being a liar.

It was inconvenient...

Then I met Izuku and Katsuki...

My only friends...

Until Katsuki joined in the fun of making me feel like a liar...

But not Izuku...

"When we grow up, we should become heroes and save anyone. Promise?"


(Y/n) was facing into the window, spacing out when she heard everyone screamed out in joy as she saw her classmates showing off their quirks, with the exception of Izuku and Katsuki, her childhood friends. She didn't understand why everyone was so excited until Katsuki stood on his desk, proudly stating his plans for the entrance exam in UA. Shocked expressions filled the classroom until the teacher said;

"Oh, (L/n) and Midoriya are also applying for UA?"

There was a short silence before everyone bursts out laughing at the two of us. Bakugo on the other hand, got silent.

"No way!!"

"(L/n) and Midoriya?"

"You couldn't get in just by studying!"

Izuku stood up, stating the removal of the rule when Bakugo suddenly exploded Izuku's desk, sending the poor boy onto the floor. (Y/n) got out of her chair and ran to Izuku's side, glaring at Bakugo. Bakugo returned the glare.

"Both of you are quirkless!! You'll never reach the same league as me!!"

(Y/n)'s glare hardened as Izuku said that both of them will try causing Bakugo lash out on Izuku's comment.

"What do you mean, 'You'll try!'? Huh?! Both of you are quirkless! You'll never reach us!!"

Izuku became scared as (Y/n) soften her gaze. Everyone in the classroom just snickered at the two.

'Someday... We'll prove you wrong.'

It was after school. The only ones left in the classroom were you and Izuku.

"You don't have to protect me, (Y/n)-chan. Really! I can handle myself."

"You always say that. Are you sure that sentence is not implanted on your brain? You kept repeating that. Anyways, you're not alone."

(Y/n) placed her hand on Izuku's shoulder, as she gave him a soft smile, causing Izuku to blush. (Y/n) grabbed her bag and headed to the door, telling Izuku about her practice.
Izuku smiled as he waved her good bye.

(Y/n), exhausted from her practice, decided to stop by the grocery store. Her phone blared as a message popped.

Auntie 💖

Hi sweetie! Your mommy just asked me about the UA entrance exam. Will you be taking the recommendation exam or the entrance exam?

(Y/n) sighed as she typed her message and hit 'sent'.

The entrance exam.

Auntie 💖
Okie dokie. Stay safe! Be sure to study well and look after yourself! And call me if there's an emergency!

OK. Bye.

(Y/n) sighed as she slid her phone back into her pocket and picked out the remaining items from her list and headed to the counter. Once she paid and took her grocery with her, she then headed to her route home.


"Another one? Seems that the world isn't welcoming them any time soon."

"Lame. Their dreams of becoming a hero is pointless. They should stick to jobs the suits them." they begun laughing as I was just a few desks away from them.

'Yep. Keep laughing. Your quirk is nothing. Pathetic. If you want to become a hero, try shedding that skin of yours.'

'I'm not quirkless... I just don't like showing my quirk...'

I arrived at the door of my apartment. I unlocked it and opened the door to the empty apartment. I slid off my shoes as I closed the door behind me. I then placed the grocery on the kitchen counter as I then begin preparing my dinner.

Once I was done cooking, ate and washed the dishes, I then opened my phone, searched my contacts, and sent a message to my family of my status. Once done, I heard my phone ringing. I answered it.

"Hello?" There was a short pause before a loud yell nearly shattered my eardrum if I didn't held my phone away from my ear. I groaned in annoyance.

"Yes, I got home from practice, bought some groceries and ate dinner." There was another yell and I have this sudden urge to punch this screaming banshee on the other line.

"Yes. My aunt just texted me...Yes. I will be taking the entrance exam... Yes, I'm still training... Yes. I'll see you in the entrance exam... OK... Bye..." And with that, I hang up.

I then locked my door, turned off the lights, any open appliances and headed to my room to prepare for the night.

10 months to go before the fated exams...

'I wonder if Izuku's still applying? Hopefully, Bakugo isn't gonna try and kill Izuku again...'

I texted Izuku 'Good night' as I set my phone on my night stand and fell asleep as my phone pinged, with a message;

Good night, Izu-kun...

Cinnamon Izuku
Good night to you too, (N/n).

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