Chapter 1 - It's Offical

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A/N - This story is based after Miracle Queen, when I writing it I didn't see Chat Blanc or Felix episode so no mention about any of that until chapter 4.

I didn't forget my other stories, I got locked out of my account as I got a new phone so thats why I haven't gotten around to my other stories.

I deleted the last butterfly for now off my account but will probs put it back up once I rewrite it. So if thats missing from your reading list I'm so sorry.

I will be adding to my other stories that are on hold so don't worry I haven't forgotten about them.

I have written 9 chapters of this story and posted it on while I was trying to figure out how to get back in. I might change a bit in this when I proof read it again.



'Our hottest Teen Model off the Market. See page 5 for more...'

Another memorizing photograph of the blonde model was plastered on the front cover of a Paris teen magizine. The buttons of his dress shirt were loosely open and his hair ruffled in a way that was raggered and rough. Slagging his arm over his knee in a lounging position, Adrien looked hot as ever.

Marinette was normally the one to avoid the hot gossip behind the picture but when Alya had practically shoved the article in her face, purposely pointing out the little writing in the bottom left hand corner, she couldn't help but gawk at it.

'Our hottest Teen Model off the Market.'

Of course he was off the market, she had witness Adrien and Kagami grow closer over the past few months and even more so, recently, but she never thought they would announce it so soon.

It couldn't be her then.

Sitting down on the steps in front of the school, she flicked through the pages at an accelerating speed. Marinette came face to face with another photo of Adrien Agreste, only this time he wasn't alone.

Leaning against the wall, his head tilted down, gazing into the dark eyes of none other then Kagami Tsurugi. Her hands were lightly brushing his chest as she too was gazing up into his green emerald eyes.

Eyes that Marinette wished would look at her in such a way.

"Are you okay Marinette?" Alya asked her friend, concerned she hadn't said a word about the artical since she had gotten a hold of it.

Marinette had scrunch up her little nose, still in deep thought about the events that happened only a week prior.

"Girl, I know it's hard but Adrien had made his choice."

"Huh?" Marinette was pull out of her thoughts once the blogger placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Is everything alright?" She asked again, only this time she had full focus from the bluenette.

Is everything alright?

How three words could change someone's mood.

Marinette had never had troubles in answering such a question but with everyone of her friends learning about the new relationship Adrien had entered caused a whole new wave of emotions to form.

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