~Jan 30

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A moan from Karayan brought her attention back to the bed. He was tossing again and muttering. Miryanna started to get up, but Iphnis was nearer and saw to him. Miryanna sat back down.

Andarin glanced warily almost at Karayan. Miryanna could tell it was strange for him to see someone he'd perceived as so invincible and hard and cruel so helpless and weak. Miryanna could relate; it was strange for her too.

"Well," Andarin said, "I'd better leave, let you guys.. Tend to your stuff..." He trailed off awkwardly. He got up and started for the door, and Miryanna followed him.

They stood by each other right next to the door and didn't say anything for a few seconds, then Miryanna reached up and wrapped her arms around Andarin, and he did the same.

"Thank you," She whispered in his ear.

He held her tighter, "You're welcome," He whispered back.

They broke their embrace and Andarin left.

if only i could a gratifying hug every time i needed validation

Miryanna went back to her chair and sat down. She sighed. She turned to Iphnis, "Iphnis, do ever get that feeling after you've just done something and just think 'what have I done?'?"

A faint smile played at the corner of his mouth, "Sometimes," He replied.

due to dumb reasons i did not immediately feel the need to write a blurb about iphnis breaking his grandmother's fine china. *covers mic* do the gnomes have stuff like china? ceremonial dishes, heirlooms, commonly gifts from weddings and anniversaries especially treasured by older generations, displayed in a fancy wooden case with glass doors and not to be touched except for very special occasions and heaven help you should you so much as chip one of them? yeah that totally sounds like something gnomes would do *thumbs up* yes due to shallowmindedness i did not write a snippet about grown adult iphnis breaking one of his grandma's 50th anniversary crystal goblet set and all hell breaking loose and get this. the way he broke it? bottle flip.

oh right karayan is suffering. back to that.

Miryanna sighed. "I know I couldn't've left Karayan to die, but why do there have to be so many consequences?"

due to the inclusion of a triple contraction, i retract my previous statements about 2016 me being a coward

Iphnis shrugged, "Such is life. There's always a consequence. The bigger the action, the bigger the outcome. It just so happens that rescuing the former leader of the illegal group knows as the Vanags and servant to a Great Sorceress at the scorn and disapproval of your peers is one of those really big actions that a huge consequence." He stated.


Miryanna snorted, "You can say that again. I'm just so worried about Nynesi. I really don't think he planned to be gone this long. It's been, what, two days? And just after they announced their engagement!" Miryanna slumped in her chair.

yeah that would suck, your hot new fiance ghosting right after proposing

Iphnis nodded slowly, "That is quite the occasion for humans." He said thoughtfully.

"Is it different for Gnomes?" Miryanna asked right away, eager at the possibility of learning more about the mysterious Gnomes, and glad for a distraction of the current events.

Iphnis smiled and shrugged. "Not so different really, we're just more, discreet, I guess you could say, about it."

"Like what? Examples?" She prompted.

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