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"So, what's the deal with Thomas?" Remus frowned as Virgil and he had started for class. "He seemed really really worried about you."

"Uh, well... Thomas knows about my uh..." Virgil frowned seeing the way Remus sort of caved in on himself.

"You don't have to tell me." That seemed to be the end of the conversation until Remus surprised them both by squealing.

"DEE!" Remus took off weaving expertly through the crowd leaving Virgil behind to catch up, before jumping into the waiting arms of his love. "Dee, you're early."

"No, you're just late." By the time Virgil had caught up he was met with the confused glare from the man holding Remus. "Babe? Who's this?" 

"I'm Virgil Dean. I'm new. Remus was helping me to class. I had no clue where I was going." Dee's eyes widened as Remus pulled away with a smile. 

"That's a lie." Remus's eyes snapped over to Virgil who just laughed.

"Yeah, it was." Dee pulled Remus in closer as the class slowly filled up without them. "He looked sick. I didn't want to just leave and something happen. My father raised me better than that."

"Dark, caring, yet quiet and reserved." Remus laughed as he poked Dee's shoulder. "I like him Dee. Plus he smells nice."

"What?" Dee rolled his eyes as he pulled Remus's hood up shocking the boy in his arms into a fit of giggles.

"Don't mind him. Remus has no filter. I'm... Ja... Dee Wayne." Virgil noted how Remus flinched when Dee corrected himself. Dee even seemed a bit upset but he didn't mention it. Dee obviously had a reason. "It's very nice to meet you, Virgil."

"New friend?" Dee frowned as Remus looked up at him with a question in his eyes. Virgil laughed as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. 

"Remus, we can't..." Dee's eyes darted from Virgil to Remus several times before deflating at how hopeful his love was. "...just assume Virgil even wants to be friends."

"If I come home today having made not just one friend but two, I'm pretty sure both my dads would have a heart attack. Maybe not one but definitely the other considering his caffeine intake." Virgil beamed as he shrugged. "You guys seem pretty chill."

"Chill... is not the word I would describe Remus." Dee laughed as he shifted his weight so he could hold his love better. "He just isn't well enough to drive you crazy right now."

"Sounds like fun." Virgil smiled as Dee's eyes literally shined with a sort of... appreciation over the fact that Virgil didn't seem too concerned over his comment. "But we should probably get into class."

"Oh, yeah." The three just laughed as they made their way. Virgil didn't even say anything to the teacher. Dee shot her this look before going back gesturing for Virgil to follow. 

"What was that about?" Virgil sat down next to the boy who just laughed some more.

"Well, we have a sort of agreement with the facility. You're with us so... yeah." 

And that was the end of that. Virgil spent the class talking with the two getting to know more about them. Dee was pretty normal in Virgil opinion. He was just this loner boy who was really good at geting away with things. Virgil made a note to himself to never try and successfully lie to the boy because Dee made it clear he would always be able to tell. There wasn't much to make a note on really.

Remus on the other hand, now there was a lot going on. Remus was the son of a very power man. He wouldn't go into detail. All he really said was he was high up on the food chain and his people liked him. That lead Virgil to believe he must be some sort of politicion or maybe even colt leader. Whoever he was he was up there. Remus... Remus was not. Apparently he was kicked out and sent away so he didn't try to... over throw his brother. Dispite saying he didn't care about being in charge at all. He didn't want to be.

That's how the two met actually. Now that was story Virgil enjoyed hearing. When Remus had got to town he wasn't doing very well. Thomas ended up finding him. The teacher that was so worried about his health was the one that took him in until he met Dee. They hit it off immeaditly. According to the two of them it was like a sudden jolt. They were ment to be together and they knew it.

Virgil coould help the awe that escaped him. The look those two shared was the same one he saw with his fathers. He decided he would let them go without any teasing right now but today was the only free day they would get.

When the conversation got turned around onto him Virgil didn't know where to start. Well, actually he did.

"I move... a lot." Both the boys frowned as Virgil shrugged. "It's nice to make friends but it's rare I ever actually do. I tend to move quite often. My dad... my coffee addict of a father anyway can't work a proper job. He has some medical issues that stop him." Virgil bit his lip slightly trying to figure out the best way to phrase it all. "So he decided to work from home... or actually work on our home. He flips houses and my other dad helps. He's actually a therapist... an internet one anyway. For those who can't leave their home or are to busy and just can't make their appointments. He sets them up for a video appointment and in his free time helps my other dad out... when he isn't passed out at least."

"Passed out?" 

"Oh right, My one dad has narcolepsy. A form of it anyway. Plus on top of it he's an insomniac. so he can never sleep on his own but  sometimes falls asleep at the most inopportune of times. One time dad fell asleep while doing the laundry, ended up spilling his coffee all over his clothes... luckily he was already in the laundry room." Virgil smiled as he looked towards the board. "It's all good though. Despite his troubles, he always makes time for me. They both do. It's why they're good dads. And even though we move around a lot, we still have fun. They give me one room in the house that I have complete creative control on. Sometimes I go about it making all these horrible choices just to see them squirm before I let them in on my real plan."

"That sounds nice." Remus smiled sadly as Dee squeezed his hand.

"Hey, if you're like some hotshot interior designer..."

"I never said..." Dee laughed cutting Virgil off before finishing his own question.

"...Then what do you say about doing my room?" Virgil froze up as Dee smiled over at him. "I've been thinking of a change but have been really fucking busy. It might also be nice to have a friend over." 

"Sure... I can try anyway."

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