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"Virgil?" Virgil frowned as he heard Colt sing out his name. Virgil was self away enough to know he was not going to make it out of this. He wouldn't even be able to put a dent in the man. His body didn't want to listen to him. By this point... it was a matter of distraction... and whatever Thomas can do. "Where are... Oh?" Colt beamed seeing Virgil just standing there as he entered the room. "I thought you would be hiding."

"No. I won't hide here." Virgil swallowed the pain that was tearing through him as he clenched his fists. "This is my home."

"I thought it was Thomas's." Virgil went to step forward but the pain got to much and he ended up stumbling back. Colt simply whistled seeing the intensity of the pain in the boy as he inched closer. "You know, Virgil... I don't care." Virgil tried to avoid him but Colt had him by the arm within seconds. "I don't care that you're human. I don't care that you're impure... that you're cursed. I love you as you are." Those very words sent a cold shiver down his spine as Virgil tried to pull away.

"You don't l-love me. You w-want people to control." Next thing Virgil knew his head was slammed against the wall. That was the tipping point. Colt tossed his body into the center of the room with a frown as Virgil cried out in pain. The room was tilting and spinning around him. Virgil tried to get up but the floor just kept coming out from under him, and he'd end up right back onto the ground.

"Do you want to know what I don't get?" Colt slowly circled Virgil with this annoyed and bored expression as Virgil struggled just to look up at him. "How did a measly human, such as yourself, get my second in command and his mate to obey you?" Virgil's body trembled as Colt simply smirked. "I mean they never would have thought about disobeying me, yet... with you, they did it on multiple occasions."

"M-Mayb-be y-your just n-not as strong as y-you think you are?" Virgil's whole body tensed as this burning tore through every inch of him. Colt just scoffed as he moved towards the window, moving the curtain a bit to peer at the night sky.

"Would you look at that?" Virgil whimpered as his body began to spasm. "Sundown already... must be painful."

"F-F-Fuck y-you." Colt laughed as he moved back to Virgil who was trying hard not to scream. The pure pain was agonizing. The thing below his skin... It felt like it was literally trying to claw its way out. 

"You know, Virgil... I can't take your pain away..." Virgil's eyes went impossibly wide as Colt literally crawled over top of him. "But I can promise you a pack... an alpha who will protect you... a mate who will stay by your side... regardless of the fact that you aren't pure."

"G-Go t-to h-hell-l." Colt growled as he leaned in baring his fangs.

"When you're finally mine..." Virgil tensed up bad as Colt got so close he could feel his breath on his neck. Every inch of him was screaming to kick Colt away... to not let whatever it was he was going to do happen... That colt wasn't the one who was supposed to. He tried to listen to that gut-wrenching need to get away but his body was so gone to pain, he couldn't even whimper. "...I'll teach you what it means to belong to your alpha."

The world blurred around him as time seemingly slowed. Virgil was vaguely aware of Colt getting thrown off of him. A dark midnight forest green wolf with bright green slitted eyes stood over him protectively against Colt. Virgil could even move to see what was happening. He could feel his bones breaking and reforming. It was pure torture. He was sure he was screaming at this point.

"VIRGIL!" He could hear Dee calling out to him but he was too far gone. His body was literally seizing up on him. Colt growled as he slowly picked himself up with a murderous look in his eyes. "Ray, Virg..."

'I know.' Remus glanced down underneath him to see Virgil's body spasming bad. 'I know, babe.'

"VIRGIL!" Virgil jumped up finding himself in the black. He could hear the muffled sound of people screaming and crying but... all he saw before him was that purple wolf. 

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