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Virgil sat there at his desk staring down at his many pictures just trying to get an actual thought in his head. He was skipping school but that didn't matter right now. He only had till Sunday to make sure his family was safe before... Before he... 

He wouldn't let himself become that.

His eyes darted to a picture with Colt and his blood raged like a burning inferno. That man literally sets him off without any actual attempt. He just really hates that guy. His hair stood up as he growled wanting to rip the picture apart but... he didn't ever want to make another. 

He had to get him out of the picture but now Virgil new just what the situation was. He was an Alpha. That wasn't just some name or excuse his friends were giving him. Colt was their alpha. If Colt really wanted he could just come here and tell them to leave... and they would listen. Nothing but an abusive piece of... Virgil grabbed his cup of water and chucked it at the wall shattering it and scaring the crap out of the two standing in the doorway. 

"Dee... Remus..." Virgil let out a shaky breath as he turned back to his picture deciding to finish putting the final touches on that purple wolf he saw once. "What are you doing here?"

"We're checking up on you." Remus's voice was shaky as he sat down on Virgil's bed. "What else would we be doing?"

"Finding a way to kill me." The way Virgil spoke was cold as if stating fact and not what had just come out of his mouth. Obviously, by the pure look of horror in their eyes, Ray and Dee were not expecting that.

"Virgil, we aren't going to kill you." Dee pulled the boy back into an awkward hug from behind the desk chair. "You're our best friend. We just... can't do that."

"I got bit by Colt." The others flinched as Virgil just scoffed. "And the full moons Sunday."

"We don't know what would..." 

"Don't... Don't try to make me feel better." Virgil handed Remus a picture of this horrible wolf-like monster and the boy shook only confirmed it more. "I already know what's going to happen."

"Vee, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be." Virgil smiled at his two friends as he spun around to actually talk to him. "I told you I was willing to die for you. I got a few extra days."

"Virgil, we have to talk about that." Virgil shook his head only making Dee press him more. "Virgil, We HAVE to..."

"I already know what's going to happen..."

"No, you..."

"One of you is going to kill me." The room went into absolute silence as Virgil just shrugged. "I won't become one of those. I won't do it. I won't put the people I love... my father... you... at risk. So come Sunday. I expect one of you to kill me."


"I'd prefer it if it was you, Dee." Dee flinched as Virgil met his eyes with a soft smile. Remus was balling his eyes out. "Remus is too fluid... to emotional. You... I know you'll get the job done regardless of the task."

"You can't ask me to kill you..."

"I already did." Virgil turned back around to his pictures and frowned. "I don't want to be that monster, Dee."

"At least let us talk to Thomas first." That... That stopped Virgil fast. He shot Remus a confused look and frowned. "Please... He might be able to help."

"I have two days left. Two days to figure out a play to save you two before I.. I don't have time to talk to my fucking teacher." Virgil got up to leave only for Dee to catch his arm.

"Virgil, please. At least give us this. You talk to Thomas and I'll... I'll promise to end things before you turn into that..." Virgil narrowed his eyes in thought as he looked between his two friends. Dee's grip on his arm tightened drawing his attention to the fact that Dee was crying, his eyes glowing that soft yellow as they shifted. "Please, Virgil?"

"Sure." Remus jumped up running as he took Dee with him only to confuse Virgil. "Wait, where are you going?"

"To get ready. We're going to school!"

"Virgil?" When they had arrived Virgil didn't understand it but... He just could NOT go in there. His skin literally crawled. He stood there shaking and Dee could see how his eyes were shifting, slitting a bit more than Remus's usually does before shrinking and going normal. "Virg..." The boy shook as he hugged his hoodie tighter. His entire being was telling him he shouldn't go in there. That this belonged to someone else... That he would get hurt.  "Virgil, it's ok."

"I'm fine." Dee and Remus both didn't believe it. Even still Virgil walked on. The moment he walked into the school his hair stood up and he frowned, pulling his hood up. "Let's just get this over with."

Remus nodded as he took Virgil's hand and started leading him towards Thomas's room. Thankfully the teacher had a lunch at the time so... When Ray opened the door pushing Virgil in lightly they didn't have to worry about any other students. Thomas frowned as he looked over only to freeze up when his eyes met Virgil's. 

"Oh, no..." Remus frowned as he nodded taking Dee's hand. "What happened?"

"Colt bit him." Virgil narrowed his eyes as he looked up at the teacher. The air smelt like... smoke. Smoke and he didn't really know but he knew it was Thomas that smelt like that. "We don't know what to do?"

"There's nothing we can do." Virgil smiled unaffected by it in the slightest but his friends were breaking. "He's already been infected... I can see it all over him."

"The full moon is the day after tomorrow. Isn't there any way to... suppress it." Thomas's eyes darkened as he shook his head. "So... Virgil's dead."

"What why?" Dee pointed at Virgil who just shrugged as he looked around. "Virgil, I know this is all scary but..."

"I'm not scared. I just refuse to become that." Virgil smiled as he looked around at everyone. "Look, I am happy you all care about me so much to not want this but... you can't change it."

"Colt isn't going to be happy." Thomas frowned in understanding as Dee's voice filled the room. "The moment he finds out your gone..."

"He'll kill everyone." Virgil froze up as Thomas took his hand and started to lead him to the window. "Kiddo, I can't in good conscious just let you go knowing what you're planning." Virgil just stared as Thomas bit his lip in thought. "There's nothing we can do about Colt. It's only a matter of time... but I don't want to see you suffer anymore so..."

"What?" Thomas's eyes shined with pain as he held Virgil's hand tightly.

"He'll go after your family first. That's type of person he is so..." Virgil's eyes widened in pure fear as Thomas's let out a shaky breath. "You have to say goodbye to them." Virgil's blood when cold as Thomas smiled sadly. " They have to forget... they ever had a son."

"You... want to erase my dads' memories... of me?" Thomas nodded and Virgil took a step back lost in thought. "They'll forget I ever existed. That... I was ever theirs."

"It's the only way I know will protect them. From Colt... From his father... from you." Virgil's eyes widened in understanding as Thomas tried to offer a slim smiled. "Now that you're bitten... You can't stay with them. They're human, Virgil. You put them at risk every second you're..."

"Ok." Thomas faltered a bit as Virgil pulled away with a nod. "Ok, Thomas. We'll do it... tomorrow."

"So what was that all abou..." This deep chill ran down all three of their spines as they were on their way out. Virgil immediately looked up to find Colt literally glaring at them, eyes a dark black. Virgil didn't hesitate to take a step forward bearing his teeth and shocking his friends who literally cowered behind them. Soon Colt... Soon all this will finally be over.

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