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"Of course you did." A boy in a black polo smirked as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I wouldn't expect anything else from you."

"What are you talking about?" A loud voice yelled over from the other side of the table. "Just because you all say I'm overly dramatic doesn't..."

"Come now kiddo, You know that's not what he meant." Virgil didn't know what he was seeing. He just knew he was seeing it. "It's just... not surprising that you would..."

"Not you too." The loud one in the white letterman jacket whined making the group at the table laugh. "So what if... people usually don't send flowers."

"You drowned the Drama teacher with gifts just so they liked you more and picked you for the part in the play." The one in the letterman flinched slightly before sighing and laughing at himself. Polo boy cocked an eyebrow before shooting his friend in the light blue shirt a look. "Roman, I know things are a bit... off now that you've..."

"Logan, it's fine. Father and I both came to this agreement. Besides, I happen to like our pack. Don't you?" 

"I LOVE IT!" The one in light blue beamed as he kissed Logan on the cheek. "I have an amazing friend and my mate by my side.

"Patton, I love you, but must you be so... exessive?" Logan groaned as he rubbed his temple before smiling as Patton leaned into him. "Ok, you are forgiven."

"Adorable." Roman awed as he bit his lip and frowned looking away. Virgil stood there staring watching the whole scene before him. "I wish I found my mate." Virgil tilted his head as he frowned in confusion. This Roman kid... Virgil couldn't... not stare in his eyes. They were like pools of golden amber that swallowed him whole. His red hair curled back like some kind of Disney prince but more than that... Virgil didn't understand it but... he was just drawn to him. 

"He's out there somewhere, kiddo." Roman smiled softly as he ran a hand through his hair.

"I know that. It's just... it's hard not to feel lonely when you to have each other." Roman shook himself from his thoughts as he beamed. "Not that I would want it any other way."

Virgil's eyes slowly but surely opened to find himself still in the hospital. That was... weird. Virgil looked around finding his book beside him and frowned in thought. What was that about? Who were those people? Virgil took his book opening to a fresh page and just started to sketch hoping to find some sort of clarity. Soon enough he found himself looking down at the boy in the letterman jacket. Roman... Virgil frowned as he looked his sketch over with concern. He looks an awful lot like Remus. Save for the eyes... Remus has green eyes and this Roman has amber. He's just been too worried. That's all it was. He's worried about his friends so he's dreaming up these weird things. Obviously this Roman guy had to be someone his brain cooked up in his friend's image.

Virgil groaned as he slammed his book shut. He just needed to relax. All this worry wouldn't do anything but make the healing process slower. The sooner he gets better the... Virgil froze up, fear ripping through him just at the mere sound of the growl that shook his room. His eyes slowly went to the window finding a dark purple wolf standing there. No... No. Not again. The wolf's eyes narrowed as Virgil slowly pushed himself to his feet tearing out the iv without even a second thought. The moment the wolf took a step forward Virgil was gone. 

He took off like a bat out of hell, weaving through the foot traffic as the sound of shattering glass brought his anxiety through the roof. He ran trying hard to ignore the screams of people being thrown around as the wolf tried to catch him... to get him... to...

Virgil cried out as he fell to the ground, his side throbbing in total agony. His skin burned as his heart raised. He struggled just to turn himself over to find the wolf standing above him. Its bright glowing purple eyes seemed to bore into him as he laid there frozen in terror. 

The wolf slowly lowered his head, eyes narrowed as Virgil tried to scoot away. He flinched throwing his hands up preparing to die. This was it. This wolf was going to kill him... to finish the job to... nuzzle him?

Virgil's eyes opened a bit to find the wolf pressing his nose into Virgil's hand with closed eyes. It pushed slightly making Virgil's eyes widen in confused shock as it seemed to lay down beside him. It... wasn't going to kill him?

"Who are you?" Virgil pushed himself up to his feet as the wolf simply laid his head down submissively. Virgil ran his hands through the near-black fur and sighed at the softness of it. The wolf let out a content grumble that damn near sounded like a purr. "You aren't going to hurt me?" The wolf shot it a confused look before rolling over and showing the boy its belly. Virgil had to laugh. It was so big it was knocking things over. "You wouldn't hurt me, would you?" The wolf twisted as Virgil put it with a smile. "Such lovely dark fur. So soft..." Virgil's eyes went wide seeing how the wolf began to glow. It slowly got to his feet tilting its head as Virgil stumbled back in confusion. "What..." 

"Do not be afraid." The wolf slowly started shifting. Virgil couldn't help but cringe hearing the sound of its bones reforming. "I am not here to hurt you."

"What, why do sound..." Virgil's eyes went even wider as the wolf shrunk and changed into a familiar form. "... like me?" The other Virgil simply smiled as real on stood there shaking.

"I am you, Virgil." Virgil shook his head furiously as the other frowned in concern. "Are you afraid of me... of us?"

"I'm dreaming. This is a dream. I never actually woke up..." Virgil tensed feeling someone take his hand. He looked up to find the other Virgil looking at him with purple eyes and he frowned.

"You are dreaming... but I am real. We are the same, Virgil. I am in here..." He gently poked Virgil's chest and smiled. "I am the wolf inside you."

"Wolf... I don't... I'm not." Virgil's eyes shot up as his voice cracked. "The bite?!"

"Not really..." The wolf as he said he was just sighed and shook his head. "This is what I get for being born human... Virgil, we..."

"VIRGIL!" The boy jumped up with wide eyes as he looked over to find Dee standing there crying. It took only a second for the scent to hit him. And even though he didn't know how he knew... He knew Dee wasn't human. He smelt the wolf on him. 

"Hey, Dee... You here to take me home?" The other's eyes grew real dark as Emile laughed beside him.

"Yep, we both are."

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