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The moment Dee disappeared from his mirror Virgil spun his car around and took off back towards the park. His fathers were going to murder him that much was for sure. He was throwing himself into the devil's clutches for his friends. He didn't care.

No one. NO ONE hurts his family and just expects Virgil to turn a blind eye.

So that's how he found himself staring right at Colt. Who actually had the nerve to smirk? Virgil sighed as he pulled his seatbelt off and carefully got out of the car. 

"Where's Dee?" Virgil shook as he shifted his hoodie slipping into character. Emile wasn't the only one that taught him things.

"He's at home." Virgil frowned as he shook his head placing it on Colt's chest you tensed at the sudden action. "I'm sorry. I'm just tired."

"Hey, it's ok. Why don't we go sit? You do look exhausted." Virgil smiled gratefully as Colt led him to a bench. "So... if Dee's home, why'd you come back?" Why'd you wait for me too? Virgil sighed as he shook his head. 

"I don't know. I guess... I'm just worried. My friends both ill. I haven't even heard from Remus in awhile." The way Colt's eyes shine literally made Virgil sick. "I'm scared."

"It's ok, Virgil. I'm sure they're ok." Colt pulled him into a supportive hug and Virgil wanted to scream. He didn't though. No, he let the man 'charm' him as he bit his lip harshly. He was doing this for them. They're his family. Virgil... Virgil was the kind of man that would do anything for those he cared for. He was raised to be kind, caring, and protective. His father said he would be a good leader, when Virgil was in boy scouts that one year but... Virgil could never do that. The anxiety would be to much. "Hey, Virgil?"

"Yeah?" Colt shifted a bit making Virgil uncomfortable as his head went to the boy's lap but he didn't move.

"I know... I know you don't know me but as my father would say I am a very... impulsive person. I'm sure Dee probably already told you I had asked him about you." So that was true at least... Virgil frowned as he felt Colt rub his arm. It was giving him all the wrong chills. "I actually kinda... like you? Not in the let's start dating right now kind of way, no that's creepy. But I am interested... So I was wondering... if maybe you'd like to hang out?"

"Aren't we doing that right now?" Colt's eyes shined as Virgil rolled over to look up at him with a smile that did not portray how he felt at all.

"Well, yes but..."

"So let's hang out." Colt narrowed his eyes in confusion as Virgil jumped up with a laugh. "Let's go get some ice cream. Dee mentioned it earlier and now I kind want some."

"So... Dee mentioned ice cream?" Virgil smiled up from his bowl of mint chip as Colt took a bite of his chocolate. "In the fall?"

"Yeah, I know right. He said he was craving some though. I feel bad..." Colt narrowed his eyes as Virgil laughed. "Well We're having ice cream and he's to sick to. I wouldn't let him. He tried to tell me he was fine but I mean. You saw him. I made the right choice taking him home."

"So it was your choice to not go?" Virgil nodded again seeing Colt frown. "That was good thinking, Dee looked really bad." Ok, Virgil... time to slap him... Virgil bit his lip anxiously as he pushed himself into action. Shock him into compliance... sort of.

"Well, when you say that, it makes me feel even worse." Virgil laughed as Colt looked at him with a frown. "My two best friends a really sick and I'm here on a date."

"A what?" Virgil smiled as he took a sip of his drink. "A date?"

"Well, aren't we? You said you were interested. So am I..." interested in exposing your ass so my friends can be safe... "Why shouldn't this be a date? Do you not want it to be?"

"Oh, no I... uh... I'm glad." Colt smiled as he reached out and took Virgil's hand. "I'm actually happy you said that. I didn't know if you were interested in me." What's with the innocent act you... Virgil calm down. "I'm glad really."

"Good. Cuz, if I'm being honest... I kinda had a crush on you since the moment I saw you." Colt's eyes went wide as this beaming smile filled his features. Virgil wanted to gag. Who the fuck does this? This is too soon too much too... uggh. He had to keep reminding himself this act was for his friends. They needed him. He would do anything for them. Even act like this. 

"Same." Virgil choked back his vomit. "I don't understand it really but... I guess you just... have that way about you, you know?"

"You're to kind, you know that?" Virgil literally stuffed his face full of ice cream just to drown out the groan. All that really did though was give him brain freeze. Colt laughed softly as Virgil's face scrunched up in pain. "Shit..."

"Here, let me help." Colt pressed a finger to Virgil's temple and suddenly it was gone. All the pain in his head just... poof, disappeared. How in the world... "Pressure point." Virgil narrowed his eyes as Colt continued eating. There is no fucking way he did that with a 'pressure point' 

"Well, thank you." Colt laughed again as he ate and Virgil smiled softly despite wanting to rip the guy to shreds. His father would be appalled at just how violent his thoughts were right now but... Pretty sure Remy would have dumped a thing of scolding coffee onto his crotch just for asking me out. So... this seems like a good middle ground between those two. "No really. Thanks. not for that but... for being here. You've really helped me to calm down."

"No problem Virgil. I'm just thankful you accepted my uh... confession of sorts."

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