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Virgil sat there in his car staring at the building before him. Dee had taken him here before to do his room but... being here without Dee just felt off. It felt wrong. Like he wasn't supposed to be here. Like he didn't belong. It took everything in him just to unbuckle himself.

He didn't understand it but the feeling wasn't new. There were a few places that he felt he shouldn't go. He always chalked it up to his anxiety. It was just this... feeling right below the skin that made him want to turn and leave. As if someone would attack him for just being there. 

The thing is though... Virgil had to protect his friends. Dee and Remus... they were more than just friends. They were his family. And right now Remus was the only one Virgil didn't know was even alive. That thought alone spurred him forward. His friend was in there and needed his help.

"Remus?" Virgil pushed the door open very slow and very carefully. His heart beat in his chest egging him on as his eyes darted about the place. "Ray, It's Virgil."

"Ray?" Virgil made his way down the hall only to freeze hearing a pained cough though a door. Virgil frowned as he opened the door to find Remus laying on a bed with his eyes closed. The boy seemed to smell the air before jumping up with horror in his eyes at the fact that Virgil was there. "Hey, Ray."

"V-Virgil?" Remus winced badly as he fell back against the bed panting. "What... Wha-what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you. Well, more than that... How are you?" Remus frowned as tears welled up in his eyes. "Ray?"

"I-I fine. Totally fine. Nothing... Nothing wrong at all. No need to worry." Virgil sighed as he sat down beside the boy.

"I know, Ray. Colt's been... hurting you both." Virgil frowned as Remus literally grabbed his arm.

"How... d-do you know C-Colt?"

"I'm dating the dude." Remus literally whimpered like a kicked puppy and Virgil's heart dropped. "Ray?"

"He'll kill you. He'll kill you and Dee and... I don't even know what he'd do with me. He'd probably keep me around just to make me suffer and use me against Ro..." Remus's eyes dulled as he shifted back and closed his eyes. "I'm fine, Virgil. Go away."

"Remus you are literally wrapped up in a shit ton of bandages. You have a cut on your lip and you're eye is swollen shut. You are not..." Virgil tensed as Remus growled out with a slight snarl. "Ray, please. At least let me take you a doctor."

"No." Virgil groaned and rolled his eyes as he fought just to figure out what to do. 


"NO DOCTORS!" Virgil flinched as Remus shot up only to cry out as he held his gut. "No... N-No doctors Virgil. I can't. We can't do doctors. Please, trust me on this."

"Ok... No doctors." Virgil narrowed his eyes as he shook his head. "No hospital doctors." Remus's eyes narrowed until he saw Virgil smirk. "I'll take you to my father instead. He may only be a therapist but he worked as a nurse for the longest time. He'll know how to help."

"Virgil, I..."

"GET THE FUCK UP!" Remus's eyes went impossibly wide as he whimpered in fear. "Please, Remus, don't fight me." The hurt boy carefully pushed himself up and with Virgil's help started for the door. When they got outside Remus slowed down making Virgil really worried. 

"He'll come back. He'll come back and find I'm gone... He won't be happy."

"I'll figure something out but right now we need to get you far from here." Remus started shaking his head and pulling away. "Remus, I am not taking no for an ans..."

"Virgil I can't leave. I don't know why I even got up. I can't disobey my..."

"Remus, get in the car." Virgil's nerves were already getting to him but now Remus was literally backing up into the house and there was no way Virgil was EVER going to let him go in there again. "Remus..."

"Virgil, I know you care. But there are things you don't understand... and you never will. You're only human. You can't save me." Virgil's eyes flashed as he opened the car door with this look Remus could feel. "Virgie, please..."

"Get. In. The. Car." Remus stumbled as Virgil's eyes narrowed. "Now, Remus." Virgil stood there neutral and clearly pissed as Remus got in and buckled up. He closed the door before Remus could even look at him before getting in himself and starting the car. "You and Dee both need to stop with this... you don't understand shit." Remus's eyes darkened as he just gripped his seatbelt tightly. "I can't just ignore this. And it's not 'omg my friends are hurt i need to do the right thing and help'... fuck that. I NEED... to help." Remus frowned as he glanced over to see Virgil gripping the steering wheel tightly. You're my family. You are all important to me. I've never been able to ignore my loved one when there hurt. It's... actually gotten me into some pretty sticky messes."

"Virgil this isn't just some..."

"Shut and listen." Remus clammed up eyes wide as Virgil's glared at the road. "I don't care what the hell is going on. I'm the type of person that would choke on his own anxiety and walk right into hell to fight the devil himself if that meant protecting my family. I don't take this shit lightly. You need help. I am going to help you."

"God, you're sounding like an alpha." Virgil's eyes narrowed even more as he glanced over to see Remus smiling softly. "Or at least... how ones supposed to sound."

"Remus, what's an alpha?" Remus simply shook his head as he stared out the window.

"It's better if you don't know, Virgil." They drove the rest of the way in complete silence. The only thing to break it were the questions in Virgil's head. What was going on with his friends?

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