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He should have known better. Virgil had spent the rest of his time with his friends. He was expecting to have a nice send-off and die happily. That didn't exactly work out. From the moment he woke up he was hurting. It wasn't that bad at first. But it was enough to have the two eyeing him cautiously. They had made an agreement they wouldn't do anything until it actually started.

Of course, had people been in the right mind maybe they would have noticed the scent change. It was Virgil... who finally did. He woke up in the morning feeling... Well, he really didn't have the word for it. He wasn't drained. More like the opposite really. He had to much energy. It made him feel sick. Dee was the one who greeted him in the morning. Remus and Thomas were making breakfast. They didn't really ever tell him why but Virgil knew what was going on.

They made this super nutritious meal after all. It was kind of obvious what was going through there heads. They all wanted Virgil to change his mind. They were hoping for it and so they were preparing as if he had.

He hadn't.

Thomas explained the first shift was always the worst. Not just for the pure wolves but... for all of them. It was even worse for Virgil because he wasn't pure. He was human. When a human is bitten the wolf curse is passed on to them. The only difference is they don't have a wolf. Their soul is human. Of course, that only confused Virgil when Thomas said that because... He had that dream. He met 'his' wolf. Or at least he thought he did. 

Even though they tried, Virgil never changed his mind. He couldn't do it. Every full moon he would have to lock himself up. What if he got out or never made it in time? What if he hurt someone... or worse? There were just too many ways it could go wrong... to many unknown factors. It was just to much for Virgil to bear.

This was the only option Virgil could see for himself.

That's how they ended up there, with Dee and Remus finally accepting they were not going to get through to Virgil. That they were going to have to follow through with their promise to kill him before his first shift. They had all planned it out. They would make the day the best they could for him and end things just before sundown. 

The reality of the situation finally settled over top the two wolves. They were just sitting there in silence, to afraid to talk. Don't misunderstand though. Virgil didn't want to die. He was happy. Despite all he lost, he would have given anything to be able to stay like that... to be with them... his friends. He just couldn't. He couldn't live that life. He couldn't risk it.

He was thankful for the quiet. It was the first time all day he had gotten any, not that he minded the company. Dee and Remus refused to leave his side even when things finally truly hit him. He was just sitting there in the comfortable silence. That was when it hit him. He took a deep...

And immediately started growling.

Dee and Remus jumped up the moment they heard it. Virgil's eyes shifted and his fangs began to show. With one simple word that nice calm final day had turned right around.

"Colt..." Remus whimpered in fear as Dee pulled him in protectively. "Stay here."

"Virgil, it's nearly..." By the wince Virgil made, Dee knew he didn't need to tell him. Virgil was already aware. "... sundown."

"Stay here." Virgil repeated as he made his way to the porch. The moment he saw that smug look his fists clenched in anger.

"I was wondering when someone would notice." Virgil could literally feel his blood boiling. Unfortunately, he didn't know if it was because the sun was setting or if it was because he was so angry. "It's nice to see you again, Virgil."

"Get off my property!" Colt's eyes shined as he simply laughed.

"I can't do that. You have some things that belong to me." Virgil growled out a warning but Colt still started to walk closer. He held this dark and twisted smirk the Virgil felt in his bones. He was trying really hard just not to shake but the farther the sun sank the harder it got to even breathe. "You don't scare me, Virgil. I am an alpha. While you're just a reject impurity."

"Come any closer and I'll..." Wince apparently. Virgil bit his lip hoping the world would stop spinning as Colt laughed.

"You'll do what Virgil?" Colt started shifting a before him. His hair stuck up as his black eyes bore into him. He bared his fangs with a sick smile. "I'm the real deal. You won't beat me. YOU CAN'T WIN!" Virgil frowned, sprinting back inside to give his friends some semblance of a head start.

"Basement now!" Virgil yelled out the moment he ran into the living room. Dee's eyes went wide as he started to pull Remus away. 

"What about you?" Remus didn't want to move. Virgil knew they both cared. Neither one wanted to leave him with Colt. Even with the promise that today would be his last, they didn't want him to die.

"You have to protect yourselves. Don't worry about me."

"Virgil, he wants you too." Virgil frowned as Dee smiled softly at him through his tears. "Please, be careful."

"Go." The two shifted uncomfortably as Virgil forced his words out. "Get to the basement..."


"NOW!" They didn't even try to fight him. The moment Virgil's voice echoed through the room the two wolves were gone... obeying Virgil rather than staying.

"Virgil?" Virgil deflated as he looked over to see Thomas frowning.

"You go too, Thomas." Virgil stood up straighter, squaring his shoulders as his eyes shined. "You made a promise. Go protect them." Thomas nodded once before taking after the other two leaving Virgil on his own. 

Virgil knew he didn't have long. He could feel this... thing just below his skin... clawing... wanting to come out. His body ached as he didn't know how much longer he'd even be able to stay standing. He had to try. Even if it killed him, he would do everything he can to protect his family.

It all ends tonight... one way or another.

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