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Virgil sat in the passenger side staring back at Dee through the side mirror. Dee was equally just sitting staring at him. The scent of wolf permeated the car and Virgil smiled sadly. He couldn't not notice the way Dee's eyes changed. It didn't matter. What did matter though was the fact that Dee looked angry. 

"You ok, kiddo?" Emile spoke softly nudging Virgil's arm and drawing his attention from the boy in the back. "If you're still too hurt. I can take you back..."

"No... no. I'm good Dad." Emile frowned as Virgil looked back through the mirror to find Dee staring down. "I'm ok. The doctor even said I was healing nicely."

"Full moons in a couple of days." Dee's voice cracked and Virgil frowned. "Maybe... M-Maybe you're just uh..."

"Maybe I'm acting weird because of the moon." Virgil laughed as he shook his head but he knew the real reason Dee had said that. He was scared. Virgil wasn't stupid. He did his research. Even though Werewolves were supposed to just be myth, the 'facts' might still hold true. Those bitten become a werewolf but... The way it made it sound was... They sure as hell didn't look like an actual wolf. They were monsters. Like from teen wolf, or... He really did know to be honest. But he was prepared. Whatever happens to him... whether its a monster or not...

"Virgil, we need to..." Virgil's eyes flashed and Dee shifted back clamming up as Emile pulled into the driveway. Virgil didn't waste any time. He could already smell the other wolf in the house... Remus no doubt. Dee's and his scent was all over the place. Virgil took a deep breath as he fixed his bag over his shoulder and pushed on. The moment he walked through the doors he cringed horribly at the scent of coffee. No wonder those two were always so sick. He couldn't stop the sneeze that came and Dee froze up in his spot. "Virgil?"

"It smells..." Emile laughed as he messed with Virgil's hair. "To much coffee."

"That's only cuz you've spent the last few weeks in the hospital. You just have to get used to it again." Virgil rolled his eyes as his father moved on, no doubt to find his husband. Not even to seconds later, right before Dee could say anything...

"VIRGIL!" Remus came running into the room only to freeze. His eyes flashed a vibrant green and Virgil smirked seeing how his pupils slit slightly. "V-Virgil?"

"You two need to relax." Remus shifted uncomfortably as Virgil walked past him. The hair on the back of his neck stood up on end making Remus literally shiver. "I'm fine. The same old Virgil..."

"Virgil..." Remus went to grab him but froze up before he could. All three stood there frozen. There was an unspoken statement... a confirmation in the way his two friends reacted to his presence. Dee and Remus were not human... and neither was Virgil anymore.

"I'm gonna head to my room. I think I should lie down for a bit." 

"Virgil, I'm sorry." Remus was literally in tears as Virgil just walked on. "I never wanted this to happen when we became friends."

"Remus." Dee shook his head trying to help his mate as Virgil opened his door.

"It's my fault he's gonna... Dee, he's human. You know what's going to happen to him." Virgil's eyes narrowed as he looked back to see the pure pain in his friend's eyes. "He's human and he got bit. He isn't like us. He isn't one of us."

"Welp..." Remus's face paled as Virgil laughed gripping the door tightly. "At least now I know. I'm going to sleep."

"Virgil, wait!" Virgil simply sighed as he shut his door and locked it. So that's that then. Virgil was cursed. That's all it is. Virgil's eyes darkened as he sat down on his bed. He was going to be one of those monsters. The moment the full moon rises it's all over. "Virgil, Virgil, please." Remus was knocking frantically on his door but he didn't do anything. He simply laid back and curled up into himself as he let his eyes slip shut. Sunday... He had until Sunday and that was it. At least... Virgil shook as tears pricked his eyes. At least let him save his friends before then.

"Roman, please?" Virgil frowned as the dark faded away till he could see the same red-headed boy from his last dream. "I know you're busy but..."

"Patton, we're packmates. I'm never to busy for you... or Logan." The smaller blonde boy, Patton, smiled happily as he nodded. "Now, what is it you wanted to do?"

"I wanted to do something over the full moon. A sort of celebration, you know?" Roman's eyes quirked a bit with a smirk and Patton laughed. "You're an alpha and we're a pack. It's our first proper full moon together as our own separate pack... I wanted us to do something... as a family."

"That sounds nice, Pat." Patton beamed as Roman laughed a bit. "What were you thinking about doing?"

"I don't know... I wanted us to just be together. Maybe sit around a fire... make wishes..." Roman sighed softly as he pulled Patton in for a hug.

"Sure, Pat. That sounds nice. I think it would be good for us to do." Patton's eyes shined as he literally squeezed the boy.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You're the best Alpha ever!" Virgil frowned as he stood there staring at the two. Roman smiled and Virgil couldn't stop himself from reaching out. His hand hovered over the man's cheek as his eyes narrowed in confused thought. Who was this boy... and why does he keep dreaming about him?

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