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"He'll kill him, Dee." Remus was chasing after his love as he stormed down the hall. "Dee, we have to do something."

"There isn't anything we can do but say as far away from..."

"From who?" The two stopped in there tracks the moment that deep cool lulled voice reached their ears. They never understand how he was so... no, they both knew why all to well. Dee was the first to speak.

"Colt! I'm glad to see your..."

"Save it, Deceit. I don't care." Dee simply nodded as Colt looked over at Remus with a smile. It was scary and Ray did not like it. "So, did you two find anyone yet."

"There aren't any others here, Colt... in fact, the only place close enough is back there and I can't go and..." Remus froze seeing how Colt's expression never changed and he sighed in defeat. "No. No, we did not find you a mate."

"Brillant!" That took both the boys by surprise but the way Colt's eyes lit up even more made their blood turn to ice.

"You aren't mad?" Colt tilted his head in confusion as Dee frowned stepping forward. "I thought for sure you would..." Remus cried out gripping his head in pain making Dee jump to help him.

"Oh, I am mad, Deceit. You both regarded my command as an option. Instead of doing as you were asked you were galavanting around with a human." The color literally drained from Dee's face as Remus whimpered pathetically in agony. "Yes, I met this Virgil and yes I noticed. Your two scents were all over him. It was nauseating." Dee was petrified. Remus was drowning in total pain while Colt just quirked his brow proud of the pain he was causing him. "However, I am willing to overlook you, two morons, getting close to this human."

"Why?" Dee's grip on Remus tightened as the poor guy shook in his arms. "Why forgive us?"

"It very simple. I am forgiving your transgression over your failed mission and this human because..." Dee's eyes widened as Colt's smile turned dark. "I've chosen him."

"WHAT?!" Colt just laughed as Remus's eyes widened at the sound of his love's voice. "Virgil's human. You can't... it isn't... It's bad enough you have us looking for one like a damn trophy you can claim but this?!" Remus screamed out in pain making Dee clam up.

"Do not tell me what I can and cannot do. Do not EVER speak to me in such away. Virgil is to be mine and you will help me. Do you understand?!" Dee cringed as Remus whimpered in his arms. He couldn't say no even if he wanted to... which believe me he did. "ANWSER ME, DECEIT!"

"Yes, my alpha." Colt smiled and suddenly Remus went limp. His breath evened out and Dee sighed in relief. "Why do you always hurt him?"

"He's the son of the most powerful alpha in the state. His brother has already declared me an enemy. Yet I accepted that... reject into my pack without a second thought despite the trouble he could cause me later on. I did that for you. He's your mate after all." Colt laughed as Dee held him closer with tears in his eyes. "Plus, what better way to control you then through him. Sure I can just command you to listen to me but what's the fun in that Deceit?"

"But why hur..."

"Say thank you and shut up." Dee flinched as he nodded and let out a shaky breath.

"Thank you, my Alpha." Colt smiled as Dee picked Remus up to take him to get help.

"What are you doing?" Colt didn't like that idea at all.

"To get Remus some help..."

"Put him down." Dee tensed not wanting to move but the look in Colt's eyes meant he wouldn't say it again. So Dee listened and carefully laid his mate onto the floor despite the pain in his chest over the act. "Let the reject sleep it off. You're helping me with my mate."

Later that day Virgil was getting worried. He had heard that someone found Remus passed out in the hall and was sent home after waking up. He couldn't help but worry. So much so he found himself bumping into the second person for that day. Books went everywhere and Virgil could only blame himself.

"Sorry about that." The kid he bumped into just smiled as they picked everything up, ignorant to the eyes watching from the other side. Eyes that narrowed as Virgil winced from a sore spot he got from falling. "You ok at least?" They nodded asking the same and Virgil just waved them off. "It's nothing, I'm fine. Sorry again." Virgil watched as the kid walked off only then noticing a familiar face... two familiar faces. Colt stood there watching the boy walk off and Dee who stood behind Colt with this sad and pained expression. Virgil frowned in confusion as Dee gradually looked up to meet his eyes.

"Virgil?" The boy spun around to find Thomas there looking out in the same direction and his eyes darkened before looking back down again. "What are you doing just standing in the hall? Shouldn't you be heading home?"

"I was just about to, Thomas. Sorry, I was uh... worried about Ray." Thomas's eyes flashed as he offered the boy a smile. "Did you see him before the..."

"I was the one that found him. I usually am..." Virgil tensed as Thomas shook his head and sighed. "He will be ok, Virgil. It's nothing to be concerned about I promise. Now... you go home and get rest. I'll see you Monday?"

"Of course!" Virgil smiled as he ran off to his locker. Right past Colt and Dee. Virgil met Dee's eyes and immediately felt his chest close up. Something wasn't right here. He had to figure it out too... for his friends.

Virgil slammed his door shut without a second thought and immediately texted Remus. Nothing to... invasive. It was just a simple how are you but his mind was reeling. Dee didn't look well at all standing there with this Colt guy. Virgil was scared for his friends. So in a last-minute thought before his anxiety could tare through him he texted Dee as well...

He texted to hang out.

Dee said yes.

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