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"What's this about, kiddo?" Emile sat there laughing on the couch as Virgil brought them brunch he had cooked himself. 

"Yeah, not that I don't mind it but..."

"Oh, shut up and eat." Virgil laughed as he watched his fathers dig in happily. He hadn't really slept at all last night. He was to worried. His hands shook behind him as he beamed. "Oh, I forgot." Virgil ran grabbing two small gifts before bringing them back over and shoving them into their face. "For you two."

"Seriously, what is this about?" Remy frowned as he opened the box to find a necklace that read 'even apart you'll always be my dad'. Emile had a matching one. "Virgil?"

"I just wanted to thank you both for all you've done for me." Virgil sat down between his dads just loving the closeness they had. "You too loved me as if I were your own and... I've never had to worry about you two. I know you both love me. So... I wanted to show you how much I love you."

"Awe, Kiddo." Emile pulled Virgil into a big hug as Remy smirked beside them. "We know you love us. And there will be plenty of time to show us, we aren't going anywhere."

"Yeah... I know." Virgil's eyes darkened as he heard the bell go off. "I'll get it but uh... Can you put them on first." Emile and Remy both shared a look before nodding and putting them on. "I love you." Virgil hugged Emile again giving him a kiss before doing the same with Remy.  "You two are the best dads ever." Virgil opened the front door to find Thomas there and he smiled sadly. "You're early."

"I know... I'm sorry."

"No... No, it's ok." Virgil let out a shaky breath as he led Thomas in. "I'm ready."

"So who... oh, Mr. Sanders." Emile jumped up to shake Thomas's hand as Virgil shied away. Obviously someone caught it though.

"Virgil? What's a matter?" Virgil shook his head as Thomas sighed sadly. "Virg..."

"I'm sorry to have to do this." Remy stood up and frowned as he pulled his husband in. "You both seem like very caring and loving fathers."

"What is this..." There was a blast of light and all color seemed to fade from there eyes. Virgil couldn't hold back the tears anymore. 

"I'd say your last goodbyes, Virgil." Thomas stood back as Virgil smiled through the tears. He reached up brushing Emiles hair back with a laugh. 

"You know... When I made that joke about disappearing... I never actually thought I would ever have to. Even worse still, you won't remember me." His eyes dropped to the necklace and he sighed putting it under the man's shirt. "I love you two so much." Virgil placed a kiss on Emiles cheek before moving to Remy and laughing as he pulled his father's shades off. "Hope you don't mind but... I'm gonna steal these. I don't really think I'll need them after tomorrow but... Still, I always said I would take them on you." Virgil pulled Remy into a hug as he cried harder. "I'm gonna miss you. Even if it is only for tonight. I'm going to miss you so much. Not the coffee though, the smell is horrible." Thomas laughed a bit behind him as he pulled away and pressed on final kiss to Remy's cheek. "You two take care of each other. Adopt another son... Live your lives happily... I want you two to be happy."

"It's time, Virgil." Virgil nodded sadly as Thomas squeezed his shoulder. He backed up until he was right with Thomas and cried as Thomas held his hand out. This... white blazing flame flitted through the air surrounding his fathers until... They blinked. The fire melted into them and Virgil watched as the two looked around in confusion. "Thank you both for inviting my son and I to brunch." Virgil's eyes widened as he looked up at Thomas who just wiped the tears away with a soft smile.

"Uh... yeah." Remy frowned as he put his hand to his head only to narrowed his eyes in confusion not finding his glasses.

"It was our pleasure, Thomas. I hope to do it again soon." Thomas led Virgil out of the home and it was like... Everything broke in him. Tears spilled faster then he could wipe them away. His whole body felt like ice. Thomas simply pulled him in as the two walked towards the car.

"Did you mean it?" That was the first thing Virgil said. They were sitting in the car as Thomas drove off. Virgil was staring at his hands in thought with a blank expression. 

"Did I mean what?"

"When you called me your son? Or was that just so something to tell them since forgot me?" Thomas frowned as Virgil looked out the window.

"Virgil, I'm 193 years old... and have never had a kid before." Virgil's eyes widened as the teacher laughed. "Yes, I really am that old. I'm not human either Virgil. I'm a witch... A dragon witch specifically. It's my job to help other supernaturals... like you."

"So you did because..."

"I care about you, Virgil. I wouldn't have said that if I wasn't planning on taking you in." Virgil scoffed as he leaned against the car door with a frown.

"I'm eighteen and school's literally almost over. Even if I wasn't dying tomorrow I wouldn't need you to care for me." Thomas's eyes darkened as the rest of the drive went on in absolute silence. "Tomorrow... Everything changes. You promise to care for them right?"

"Dee and Remus?" Virgil nodded as Thomas sighed. "Of course, Colt won't touch them."

"Good. That's all that matters to me."

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